2020-09-29 08:24:01 -05:00

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Upgrading Guide

See the for detailed information about what has changed between versions.

This guide is useful to figure out what you need to do between breaking changes.

As always, submit issues that you run into with this guide or with these upgrades to us.

5.14.0 to 5.15.0

The adobe icon has been removed by legal request of Adobe.

Font Awesome is no longer able to provide any logos or marks for the Adobe brand or their products.

5.12.x/5.13.x to 5.14.0

In version 5.12.0 and 5.13.0 some of the icons were assigned unicode values that were outside the Private Unicode Area (PUA). This caused problems with some desktop software and caused the icons to show up as Chinese, Japanese, or Korean (CJK) ideographs.

The unicode values have been re-assigned to values within the PUA range.

If you were using any of the following icons with pseudo-elements you will need to change the CSS content value to the new unicode value.

Icon name Old New
bacteria f959 e059
bacterium f95a e05a
box-tissue f95b e05b
caravan-alt f900 e000
cat-space f901 e001
coffee-pot f902 e002
coffin-cross f951 e051
comet f903 e003
dailymotion f952 e052
deezer f977 e077
edge-legacy f978 e078
fan-table f904 e004
faucet f905 e005
faucet-drip f906 e006
firefox-browser f907 e007
folder-download f953 e053
folder-upload f954 e054
galaxy f908 e008
garage f909 e009
garage-car f90a e00a
garage-open f90b e00b
google-pay f979 e079
hand-holding-medical f95c e05c
hand-sparkles f95d e05d
hands-wash f95e e05e
handshake-alt-slash f95f e05f
handshake-slash f960 e060
head-side-cough f961 e061
head-side-cough-slash f962 e062
head-side-mask f963 e063
head-side-virus f964 e064
heat f90c e00c
house f90d e00d
house-day f90e e00e
house-leave f90f e00f
house-night f910 e010
house-return f911 e011
house-signal f912 e012
house-user f965 e065
ideal f913 e013
instagram-square f955 e055
lamp-desk f914 e014
lamp-floor f915 e015
laptop-house f966 e066
light-ceiling f916 e016
light-switch f917 e017
light-switch-off f918 e018
light-switch-on f919 e019
lungs-virus f967 e067
microblog f91a e01a
microwave f91b e01b
mixer f956 e056
outlet f91c e01c
oven f91d e01d
people-arrows f968 e068
pied-piper-square f91e e01e
plane-slash f969 e069
planet-moon f91f e01f
planet-ringed f920 e020
police-box f921 e021
portal-enter f922 e022
portal-exit f923 e023
pump-medical f96a e06a
pump-soap f96b e06b
radar f924 e024
raygun f925 e025
refrigerator f926 e026
rocket-launch f927 e027
rust f97a e07a
sensor f928 e028
sensor-alert f929 e029
sensor-fire f92a e02a
sensor-on f92b e02b
sensor-smoke f92c e02c
shield-virus f96c e06c
shopify f957 e057
sink f96d e06d
siren f92d e02d
siren-on f92e e02e
soap f96e e06e
solar-system f92f e02f
sort-circle f930 e030
sort-circle-down f931 e031
sort-circle-up f932 e032
space-station-moon f933 e033
space-station-moon-alt f934 e034
sprinkler f935 e035
star-shooting f936 e036
starfighter f937 e037
starfighter-alt f938 e038
starship f939 e039
starship-freighter f93a e03a
stopwatch-20 f96f e06f
store-alt-slash f970 e070
store-slash f971 e071
sword-laser f93b e03b
sword-laser-alt f93c e03c
swords-laser f93d e03d
telescope f93e e03e
temperature-down f93f e03f
temperature-up f940 e040
tiktok f97b e07b
toilet-paper-slash f972 e072
trailer f941 e041
transporter f942 e042
transporter-1 f943 e043
transporter-2 f944 e044
transporter-3 f945 e045
transporter-empty f946 e046
ufo f947 e047
ufo-beam f948 e048
unity f949 e049
unsplash f97c e07c
user-alien f94a e04a
user-robot f94b e04b
user-unlock f958 e058
user-visor f94c e04c
users-slash f973 e073
vacuum f94d e04d
vacuum-robot f94e e04e
virus f974 e074
virus-slash f975 e075
viruses f976 e076
window-frame f94f e04f
window-frame-open f950 e050

5.13.0 to 5.13.1

There are no breaking changes in this version upgrade.

5.12.1 to 5.13.0

There are no breaking changes in this version upgrade.

5.12.0 to 5.12.1

There are no breaking changes in this version upgrade.

5.11.2 to 5.12.0

The 9-pointed icon named "haykal" was renamed to "bahai" to better match the symbol. If you were previously using the misnamed icon rename to "bahai" when upgrading.

5.11.1 to 5.11.2

The scanner-image icon was previously using the same unicode value as the scanner icon.

This has now been fixed and the scanner-image icon has a unique unicode value.

The film-canister icon was misspelled as "film-cannister". This has been fixed.

5.11.0 to 5.11.1

There are no breaking changes in this version upgrade.

5.10.2 to 5.11.0

There are no breaking changes in this version upgrade.

5.10.1 to 5.10.2

There are no breaking changes in this version upgrade.

5.10.0 to 5.10.1

The Sass function fa-content-secondary which was part of the duotone.scss file has been removed due to its inconsistent behavior in different versions of Sass pre-processors. Specifically node-sass and sass didn't produce the same output.

5.9.0 to 5.10.0

The following icon shims have been changed to better match the original version 4 icon:

  • sort-alpha-desc
  • sort-amount-desc
  • sort-numeric-desc

5.8.2 to 5.9.0

The nintendo-switch icon has been removed by legal request of Nintendo of America Inc.

Font Awesome is no longer able to provide icons related to Nintendo, their gaming consoles, accessories, or games.

5.8.1 to 5.8.2

There are no breaking changes in this version upgrade.

5.8.0 to 5.8.1

There are no breaking changes in this version upgrade.

5.7.x to 5.8.0

Removing title elements from SVG sprites

Since the initial release of version 5, all the way back to 5.0.0 actually, we've included <title> elements in the SVG sprites.

In a discussion outlines that this practice actually prevents normal efforts to make these sprites accessible according to web accessibility standards.

If you are using sprites please refer to our documentation on accessibility with Font Awesome.

Removing vertical-align from the .fa-icon Sass mixin

Font Awesome has supported Sass and Less CSS pre-processors for a long time.

The version 5 .fa-icon mixin which is present in scss/_mixins.scss previously included vertical-align which was incorrectly shifting icons.

If you have used this mixin in your own Sass files you will need to check the alignment of those icons after upgrading to 5.8.0.

5.7.1 to 5.7.2

There are no breaking changes in this version upgrade.

5.7.0 to 5.7.1

The cheeseburger icon incorrectly placed the cheese under the patty. This is unacceptable and we've fixed it.

5.6.x to 5.7.0

OTF and TTF files

The PostScript name has been changed from FontAwesome5ProSolid to FontAwesome5Pro-Solid. This was done to be more compatible with tooling such as XCode.

We've also update the Version specifier. Font files only support a MAJOR and MINOR version number so we have modifed our schema. For example, version 5.7.0 of Font Awesome is reflected as 329.472 in the individual font files.

Icon changes

The calendar-alt icon has been reverted back to the previous design in versions <= 5.6.0.

5.6.x to 5.6.3

The fire icon has been reverted back to the previous design in versions <= 5.5.0.

We have moved the redesigned icon to fire-alt.

5.6.0 to 5.6.1

There are no breaking changes in this version upgrade.

5.5.0 to 5.6.0

In this release we've taken time to re-organize the directory structure to prevent redundancy and improve findability.

Directory structure changes

Old path New path
advanced-options/metadata metadata
advanced-options/raw-svg svgs
advanced-options/svg-sprites sprites
advanced-options/use-with-node-js js-packages
svg-with-js/js js
svg-with-js/css css
use-on-desktop otfs
web-fonts-with-css/css css
web-fonts-with-css/less less
web-fonts-with-css/scss scss
web-fonts-with-css/webfonts webfonts

5.4.x to 5.5.0

There are no breaking changes in this version upgrade.

5.4.0 to 5.4.1

Categories were renamed from:

  • Holiday to Halloween
  • Seasonal to Autumn

The "wand" icon in version 5.4.0 matched the "wand-magic" icon. The magical sparkles have been removed for "wand". If you were relying on this decoration in your design switch to "wand-magic" to bring the magic back.

5.3.x to 5.4.0

There are no breaking changes in this version upgrade.

5.3.0 to 5.3.1

The following Pro-only icons were removed from Font Awesome Free as of 5.3.1:

  • abacus
  • calculator-alt
  • empty-set
  • function
  • integral
  • intersection
  • lambda
  • omega
  • pi
  • sigma
  • signal-alt
  • signal-alt-slash
  • signal-slash
  • square-root
  • tally
  • theta
  • tilde
  • union
  • value-absolute
  • volume
  • volume-down
  • volume-slash
  • wifi-slash

These icons were unintentionally included in 5.3.0.

5.x.x to 5.3.0

Sass mixin syntax has been updated to address a bug.

Use @extend %fa-icon to correctly maintain CSS order in output files.

Old way:

.twitter {
  @include fa-icon; /* incorrect */
  @extend .fab;

  &:before {
    content: fa-content($fa-var-twitter);

New way:

.twitter {
  @extend %fa-icon; /* correct */
  @extend .fab;

  &:before {
    content: fa-content($fa-var-twitter);

5.1.x to 5.2.x

There are no breaking changes in this version upgrade.

5.1.0 to 5.1.1

Less and Sass files incorrectly contained the "fa-" prefix for style files. These files have been renamed to be consistent with other files in the packages.

If you are using the Less or Sass file styles individually you will need to correct the names in your builds.

Old filename New filename
less/fa-solid.less less/solid.less
less/fa-regular.less less/regular.less
less/fa-light.less less/light.less
less/fa-brands.less less/brands.less
scss/fa-solid.scss scss/solid.scss
scss/fa-regular.scss scss/regular.scss
scss/fa-light.scss scss/light.scss
scss/fa-brands.scss scss/brands.scss

5.0.x to 5.1.0

New packages available for browser-only integration

If you were previously using @fortawesome/fontawesome you need to switch to one of the new packages.

Our Free and Pro CDN provide access to JS, CSS, sprites, and separate SVG files.

We've now made these files conveniently available through NPM.

If you are familiar with the paths and options available with the CDN these packages should be familiar.

Information about Font Awesome Pro subscriptions can be found in your Font Awesome awesome account.

Renamed packages

The following packages have been renamed as part of 5.1.0 of Font Awesome.

All packages are in the @fortawesome NPM scope

Old package(1) New package
fontawesome-free-webfonts fontawesome-free
fontawesome-pro-webfonts fontawesome-pro
fontawesome-free-solid   free-solid-svg-icons
fontawesome-free-regular free-regular-svg-icons
fontawesome-free-brands   free-brands-svg-icons
fontawesome-pro-solid   pro-solid-svg-icons
fontawesome-pro-regular   pro-regular-svg-icons
fontawesome-pro-light   pro-light-svg-icons

(1) Old packages have now been deprecated. They are still available but will only receive high priority patch release fixes.

You'll need to update your package.json file with the renamed packages and new versions.

No more default imports

Recently we spent a good deal of time supporting TypeScript to enable us to create the Angular Font Awesome component. During that adventure we were convinced that we were going to remove default exports from all of our components, libraries, and packages. This is complete with the umbrella release of 5.1.0 of Font Awesome.

What does that mean?

Old way:

import fontawesome from '@fortawesome/fontawesome'
import solid from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free-solid'
import faTwitter from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free-brands/faTwitter'
import FontAwesomeIcon from '@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome'

library.add(solid, faTwitter)

New way:

import { library, dom } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'
import { fas } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
import { faTwitter } from '@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons'
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome'

library.add(fas, faTwitter)

// Kicks off the process of finding <i> tags and replacing with <svg>

This is also a valid way to import icons that works if your tool does not support tree shaking:

import { faTwitter } from '@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons/faTwitter'

Improved support for tree shaking

Tree shaking is now functional by default and no additional configuration is required to make it work.

The module has been removed and is no longer needed.

If you've previously configured tree shaking by modifying your webpack or rollup you can safely remove these.

We recommend that you check your bundle size after upgrading an ensure that file sizes are as you would expect.

module.exports = {
  // ...
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free-solid$': '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free-solid/'
const alias = require('rollup-plugin-alias')

  // ...
  plugins: [
      '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free-solid': 'node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free-solid/'

5.0.11 to 5.0.12

Due to a collision with the "r" glyph the R Project brand icon has been renamed to r-project.

5.0.x to 5.0.6

SVG Attribute was changed from data-fa-processed to data-fa-i2svg

As part of a bug fix for the release of 5.0.6 we renamed an attribute that was found on <svg> elements from data-fa-processed to data-fa-i2svg. We feel this more accurately reflects the intent and purpose.

This attribute is added to any icon that has been generated using fontawesome.dom.i2svg().

Be aware that data-fa-i2svg (or data-fa-processed) will no longer be present on icons that are created using fontawesome.icon().

If you've written and DOM queries that rely on data-fa-processed you should get things working again by doing a simple find and replace.