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1px) @content +until($native-bp) .native-flex display: block text-align: center .native-main margin-bottom: 2em .native-details margin: 1em +from($native-bp) .native-flex display: flex text-align: left .native-main display: flex margin-right: 2em .native-details margin-left: 2em +from($native-bp * 2) .native-js font-size: 1.25rem // Background $dt-gray-dark: #282a36 // Current Line & Selection $dt-gray: #44475a // Foreground $dt-gray-light: #f8f8f2 // Comment $dt-blue: #6272a4 $dt-cyan: #8be9fd $dt-green: #50fa7b $dt-orange: #ffb86c $dt-pink: #ff79c6 $dt-purple: #bd93f9 $dt-red: #ff5555 $dt-yellow: #f1fa8c .hljs background-color: $dt-gray-dark color: $dt-gray-light white-space: pre-wrap word-break: break-word .hljs-comment color: $dt-blue .hljs-tag color: $dt-cyan .hljs-name color: $dt-orange .hljs-attr color: $dt-purple .hljs-string color: $dt-red .hljs-keyword color: $dt-cyan @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) html, .content background-color: $grey-darker color: #888 .header h1, strong color: #fff .npm background: $grey-dark color: #888 .footer background: darken($grey-darker, 5%)