New icons mostly start as requests by the [Fork Awesome community on GitHub](../../issues). Want to request a new icon? Here are some things to keep in mind:
Adding a new icon is a couple steps process that will require your attention and eyes for details. It might be a bit intimidating at the beginning, but should be easy to repeat once you've gone through it once or twice.
0. Follow the []( to install the necessary tools.
1. All icons are originally designed in SVG and fit in a grid (see `src/icons/icon-template-inkscape.svg` for a template for Inkscape).
2. Most icons should fit a square that is centered vertically and aligned left in that template. (Try importing existing icons in that template to understand how they fit.)
3. Design your icon in black only. No transparency. No gradient. Use simple shapes and forms. Note that it will be automatically transformed into a glyph. So if the design is complex, it might not show in the font as expected. Change a few things and try again if that happens.
4. From the `src/icons` folder, use the `make` command to build the icon font. It will also generate a file called `src/icons/forkawesome/forkawesome-preview.html`. Open it with a browser and search your icon on the test page. This preview file will show you how your design behaves after conversion. It will also automatically associate a unicode code point for it. Be sure remember it.
5. Once you are satisfied with your design and the preview of it. Add the icon name, unicode point and icon information at the bottom of the `src/icons/icons.yml` file. Look at other entries to see how it's done and to give it a proper classification.
6. Once all this is done, commit your changes and make a pull request.
We only accept issues that are icon requests, bug reports, or feature requests. Bugs must be isolated and reproducible problems that we can fix within the Fork Awesome core. Please read the following guidelines to ensure you are the paragon of bug reporting.
1.**Search for existing issues.** We get a lot of duplicate issues, and you'd help us out a lot by first checking if someone else has reported the same issue. Moreover, the issue may have already been resolved with a fix available.
2.**Create an isolated and reproducible test case.** Be sure the problem exists in Fork Awesome's code with a [reduced test case]( that should be included in each bug report.
4.**Share as much information as possible.** Include operating system and version, browser and version, version of Fork Awesome, etc. where appropriate. Also include steps to reproduce the bug.
- Attribute selectors, like `input[type="text"]` should always wrap the attribute's value in double quotes, for consistency and safety (see this [blog post on unquoted attribute values]( that can lead to XSS attacks)