2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
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2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
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2018-02-06 12:06:42 +08:00
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2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
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2016-04-26 00:01:25 +08:00
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2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
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2018-02-06 09:49:24 +08:00
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2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
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2018-02-18 10:02:49 +08:00
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2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
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2018-02-19 05:15:39 +08:00
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2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
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2016-12-03 01:03:45 +08:00
< h1 > < i class = "fa fa-shopping-cart fa-lg valign-baseline" aria-hidden = "true" > < / i > Awesome Swag< / h1 >
< p > Show your love & support of Font Awesome with official merchandise!< / p >
2016-10-28 04:53:09 +08:00
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2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
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< div class = "col-sm-6 col-lg-4" >
< a class = "product" href = "http://www.amazon.com/Father-T-shirt-Small-Kelly-Green/dp/B01ELXTKW0" >
< div class = "product-sizes" >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< span class = "sr-only" > Available in the following sizes: < / span >
< i class = "fa fa-male" title = "Men" > < / i >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / div >
< div class = "tab-content" >
< div class = "tab-pane active" id = "father-kelly-green" >
< img src = "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81QUekkdt7L._UX679_.jpg" >
< / div >
< div class = "tab-pane" id = "father-navy" >
< img src = "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/817wsSl9ScL._UX679_.jpg" >
< / div >
< / div >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< ul class = "list-inline text-center margin-bottom-0" >
< li class = "active" > < span data-target = "#father-kelly-green" data-toggle = "tab" > < span class = "swatch swatch-kellygreen" title = "Kelly Green" > < / span > < span class = "sr-only" > Kelly Green< / span > < / span > < / li >
< li > < span data-target = "#father-navy" data-toggle = "tab" > < span class = "swatch swatch-navy" title = "Navy" > < / span > < span class = "sr-only" > Navy< / span > < / span > < / li >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / ul >
< hr / >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< div class = "gg margin-bottom-sm" >
< h3 class = "gg-col product-title margin-top-0 margin-bottom-0 padding-right-sm" > Fa-ther Tee< / h3 >
< h3 class = "gg-col text-right text-success margin-top-0 margin-bottom-0" > $28< / h3 >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / div >
< div class = "text-muted" >
American Apparel Fine Jersey Short Sleeve T-Shirt
< / div >
< / a >
< / div >
< div class = "col-sm-6 col-lg-4" >
< a class = "product" href = "http://www.amazon.com/Space-Shuttle-T-shirt-Small-Black/dp/B01ELRXO14" >
< div class = "product-sizes" >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< span class = "sr-only" > Available in the following sizes: < / span >
< i class = "fa fa-male" title = "Men" > < / i >
< i class = "fa fa-female" title = "Women" > < / i >
< i class = "fa fa-child" title = "Kids" > < / i >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / div >
< div class = "tab-content" >
< div class = "tab-pane active" id = "shuttle-black" >
< img src = "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/71e4BRlSOML._UX679_.jpg" >
< / div >
< div class = "tab-pane" id = "shuttle-navy" >
< img src = "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81U%2BSAV23IL._UX679_.jpg" >
< / div >
< / div >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< ul class = "list-inline text-center margin-bottom-0" >
< li class = "active" > < span data-target = "#shuttle-black" data-toggle = "tab" > < span class = "swatch swatch-black" title = "Black" > < / span > < span class = "sr-only" > Black< / span > < / span > < / li >
< li > < span data-target = "#shuttle-navy" data-toggle = "tab" > < span class = "swatch swatch-navy" title = "Navy" > < / span > < span class = "sr-only" > Navy< / span > < / span > < / li >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / ul >
< hr / >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< div class = "gg margin-bottom-sm" >
< h3 class = "gg-col product-title margin-top-0 margin-bottom-0 padding-right-sm" > Space Shuttle Tee< / h3 >
< h3 class = "gg-col text-right text-success margin-top-0 margin-bottom-0" > $28< / h3 >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / div >
< div class = "text-muted" >
American Apparel Fine Jersey Short Sleeve T-Shirt
< / div >
< / a >
< / div >
< div class = "col-sm-6 col-lg-4" >
< a class = "product" href = "http://www.amazon.com/Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock-T-shirt/dp/B01ELX6N7U" >
< div class = "product-sizes" >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< span class = "sr-only" > Available in the following sizes: < / span >
< i class = "fa fa-male" title = "Men" > < / i >
< i class = "fa fa-female" title = "Women" > < / i >
< i class = "fa fa-child" title = "Kids" > < / i >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / div >
< div class = "tab-content" >
< div class = "tab-pane active" id = "rpsls-blue" >
< img src = "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81AqlTK02KL._UX679_.jpg" >
< / div >
< / div >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< ul class = "list-inline text-center margin-bottom-0" >
< li class = "active" > < span data-target = "#rpsls-blue" data-toggle = "tab" > < span class = "swatch swatch-royalblue" title = "Royal Blue" > < / span > < span class = "sr-only" > Royal Blue< / span > < / span > < / li >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / ul >
< hr / >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< div class = "gg margin-bottom-sm" >
< h3 class = "gg-col product-title margin-top-0 margin-bottom-0 padding-right-sm" > Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Tee< / h3 >
< h3 class = "gg-col text-right text-success margin-top-0 margin-bottom-0" > $28< / h3 >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / div >
< div class = "text-muted" >
American Apparel Fine Jersey Short Sleeve T-Shirt
< / div >
< / a >
< / div >
< div class = "col-sm-6 col-lg-4" >
< a class = "product" href = "http://www.amazon.com/Mens-Schmancy-White-T-shirt-Small/dp/B01ELYG428" >
< div class = "product-sizes" >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< span class = "sr-only" > Available in the following sizes: < / span >
< i class = "fa fa-male" title = "Men" > < / i >
< i class = "fa fa-female" title = "Women" > < / i >
< i class = "fa fa-child" title = "Kids" > < / i >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / div >
< div class = "tab-content" >
< div class = "tab-pane active" id = "white-logo-kelly-green" >
< img src = "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81fPcfH8KkL._UX679_.jpg" >
< / div >
< div class = "tab-pane" id = "white-logo-navy" >
< img src = "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81wt4C6gBlL._UX679_.jpg" >
< / div >
< div class = "tab-pane" id = "white-logo-silver" >
< img src = "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/71pEdMm86PL._UX679_.jpg" >
< / div >
< / div >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< ul class = "list-inline text-center margin-bottom-0" >
< li class = "active" > < span data-target = "#white-logo-kelly-green" data-toggle = "tab" > < span class = "swatch swatch-kellygreen" title = "Kelly Green" > < / span > < span class = "sr-only" > Kelly Green< / span > < / span > < / li >
< li > < span data-target = "#white-logo-navy" data-toggle = "tab" > < span class = "swatch swatch-navy" title = "Navy" > < / span > < span class = "sr-only" > Navy< / span > < / span > < / li >
< li > < span data-target = "#white-logo-silver" data-toggle = "tab" > < span class = "swatch swatch-silver" title = "Silver" > < / span > < span class = "sr-only" > Silver< / span > < / span > < / li >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / ul >
< hr / >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< div class = "gg margin-bottom-sm" >
< h3 class = "gg-col product-title margin-top-0 margin-bottom-0" > White Logo Tee< / h3 >
< h3 class = "gg-col text-right text-success margin-top-0 margin-bottom-0" > $28< / h3 >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / div >
< div class = "text-muted" >
American Apparel Fine Jersey Short Sleeve T-Shirt
< / div >
< / a >
< / div >
< div class = "col-sm-6 col-lg-4" >
< a class = "product" href = "http://www.amazon.com/Camera-Retro-T-shirt-Small-Asphalt/dp/B01ELWGV14" >
< div class = "product-sizes" >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< span class = "sr-only" > Available in the following sizes: < / span >
< i class = "fa fa-male" title = "Men" > < / i >
< i class = "fa fa-female" title = "Women" > < / i >
< i class = "fa fa-child" title = "Kids" > < / i >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / div >
< div class = "tab-content" >
< div class = "tab-pane active" id = "camera-asphalt" >
< img src = "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81mzUUTrfYL._UX679_.jpg" >
< / div >
< div class = "tab-pane" id = "camera-kelly-green" >
< img src = "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81AihmIpmUL._UX679_.jpg" >
< / div >
< / div >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< ul class = "list-inline text-center margin-bottom-0" >
< li class = "active" > < span data-target = "#camera-asphalt" data-toggle = "tab" > < span class = "swatch swatch-asphalt" title = "Asphalt" > < / span > < span class = "sr-only" > Asphalt< / span > < / span > < / li >
< li > < span data-target = "#camera-kelly-green" data-toggle = "tab" > < span class = "swatch swatch-kellygreen" title = "Kelly Green" > < / span > < span class = "sr-only" > Kelly Green< / span > < / span > < / li >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / ul >
< hr / >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< div class = "gg margin-bottom-sm" >
< h3 class = "gg-col product-title margin-top-0 margin-bottom-0 padding-right-sm" > Camera Retro Tee< / h3 >
< h3 class = "gg-col text-right text-success margin-top-0 margin-bottom-0" > $28< / h3 >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / div >
< div class = "text-muted" >
American Apparel Fine Jersey Short Sleeve T-Shirt
< / div >
< / a >
< / div >
< div class = "col-sm-6 col-lg-4" >
< a class = "product" href = "http://www.amazon.com/Mens-Skool-T-shirt-Small-Navy/dp/B01ELWVHJ0" >
< div class = "product-sizes" >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< span class = "sr-only" > Available in the following sizes: < / span >
< i class = "fa fa-male" title = "Men" > < / i >
< i class = "fa fa-female" title = "Women" > < / i >
< i class = "fa fa-child" title = "Kids" > < / i >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / div >
< div class = "tab-content" >
< div class = "tab-pane active" id = "old-skool-kelly-green" >
< img src = "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/812ghxTnRrL._UX679_.jpg" >
< / div >
< div class = "tab-pane" id = "old-skool-navy" >
< img src = "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/819SDvnOv8L._UX679_.jpg" >
< / div >
< / div >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< ul class = "list-inline text-center margin-bottom-0" >
< li class = "active" > < span data-target = "#old-skool-kelly-green" data-toggle = "tab" > < span class = "swatch swatch-kellygreen" title = "Kelly Green" > < / span > < span class = "sr-only" > Kelly Green< / span > < / span > < / li >
< li > < span data-target = "#old-skool-navy" data-toggle = "tab" > < span class = "swatch swatch-navy" title = "Navy" > < / span > < span class = "sr-only" > Navy< / span > < / span > < / li >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / ul >
< hr / >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< div class = "gg margin-bottom-sm" >
< h3 class = "gg-col product-title margin-top-0 margin-bottom-0 padding-right-sm" > Old Skool Tee< / h3 >
< h3 class = "gg-col text-right text-success margin-top-0 margin-bottom-0" > $28< / h3 >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / div >
< div class = "text-muted" >
American Apparel Fine Jersey Short Sleeve T-Shirt
< / div >
< / a >
< / div >
< div class = "col-sm-6 col-lg-4" >
< a class = "product" href = "http://www.amazon.com/Mens-Classics-T-shirt-Small-Navy/dp/B01ELY5MT4" >
< div class = "product-sizes" >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< span class = "sr-only" > Available in the following sizes: < / span >
< i class = "fa fa-male" title = "Men" > < / i >
< i class = "fa fa-female" title = "Women" > < / i >
< i class = "fa fa-child" title = "Kids" > < / i >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / div >
< div class = "tab-content" >
< div class = "tab-pane active" id = "classics-kelly-green" >
< img src = "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81nYbDVxo8L._UX679_.jpg" >
< / div >
< div class = "tab-pane" id = "classics-navy" >
< img src = "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81MMb-JjRNL._UX679_.jpg" >
< / div >
< / div >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< ul class = "list-inline text-center margin-bottom-0" >
< li class = "active" > < span data-target = "#classics-kelly-green" data-toggle = "tab" > < span class = "swatch swatch-kellygreen" title = "Kelly Green" > < / span > < span class = "sr-only" > Kelly Green< / span > < / span > < / li >
< li > < span data-target = "#classics-navy" data-toggle = "tab" > < span class = "swatch swatch-navy" > < / span > < span class = "sr-only" title = "Navy" > Navy< / span > < / span > < / li >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / ul >
< hr / >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< div class = "gg margin-bottom-sm" >
< h3 class = "gg-col product-title margin-top-0 margin-bottom-0 padding-right-sm" > Classics Tee< / h3 >
< h3 class = "gg-col text-right text-success margin-top-0 margin-bottom-0" > $28< / h3 >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / div >
< div class = "text-muted" >
American Apparel Fine Jersey Short Sleeve T-Shirt
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< a class = "product" href = "http://www.amazon.com/Mens-Schmancy-Green-Small-Black/dp/B01ELYOYY8" >
< div class = "product-sizes" >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< span class = "sr-only" > Available in the following sizes: < / span >
< i class = "fa fa-male" title = "Men" > < / i >
< i class = "fa fa-female" title = "Women" > < / i >
< i class = "fa fa-child" title = "Kids" > < / i >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
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< img src = "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/715simtOAGL._UX679_.jpg" >
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< div class = "tab-pane" id = "green-logo-kelly-green" >
< img src = "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/81Y2BFVgUAL._UX679_.jpg" >
< / div >
< / div >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< ul class = "list-inline text-center margin-bottom-0" >
< li class = "active" > < span data-target = "#green-logo-black" data-toggle = "tab" > < span class = "swatch swatch-navy" title = "Navy" > < / span > < span class = "sr-only" > Navy< / span > < / span > < / li >
< li > < span data-target = "#green-logo-kelly-green" data-toggle = "tab" > < span class = "swatch swatch-kellygreen" title = "Kelly Green" > < / span > < span class = "sr-only" > Kelly Green< / span > < / span > < / li >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / ul >
< hr / >
2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
< div class = "gg margin-bottom-sm" >
< h3 class = "gg-col product-title margin-top-0 margin-bottom-0 padding-right-sm" > Green Logo Tee< / h3 >
< h3 class = "gg-col text-right text-success margin-top-0 margin-bottom-0" > $28< / h3 >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< / div >
< div class = "text-muted" >
American Apparel Fine Jersey Short Sleeve T-Shirt
< / div >
< / a >
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2016-04-27 03:23:04 +08:00
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< h3 class = "cta-title" > Have Ideas or Requests?< / h3 >
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Got a great idea for a Font Awesome goodie or shirt? Don't see your favorite icon in a wear-able or share-able format?
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< p >
We're all ears! Spend a few minutes and let us know what you'd want. If we end up using your idea, we'll send you a free copy.
< / p >
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< a class = "btn btn-success btn-block btn-lg" href = "mailto:suggestions@fortawesome.com?subject=I have a store idea!" > Make a Store Suggestion!< / a >
< p class = "text-muted cta-fine-print" >
Please note: While we appreciate all suggestions, not every idea might be right for Font Awesome nor could we physically make every idea.
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< h4 > About Font Awesome Products< / h4 >
< p >
There might be times where you want to insert a bit of Font Awesome in the real world. That's why we're trying out some schwag. We hope you enjoy our icons and their fun spirit out in the wild and appreciate the support you're showing and giving by doing so. < strong > You're putting the Awesome in Font Awesome!< / strong >
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< h4 > Shipping, Tracking, & Refunding Orders< / h4 >
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All of our products are managed through < a href = "http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=w_bl_sl_s_ap_web_7141123011?ie=UTF8&node=7141123011&field-brandtextbin=Font+Awesome" > < i class = "fas fas-amazon" > < / i > Amazon< / a > . Shipping rates and schedules are managed through their storefront. You'll be able to track your placed orders and contact Amazon's responsive support about refunds, issues, or questions. Ratings and feedback are always welcome either on the product page or < a href = "mailto:suggestions@fortawesome.com" > directly to us< / a > .
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2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
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2018-02-26 13:43:01 +08:00
< i class = "fa fa-fork" aria-hidden = "true" > < / i > Fork Awesome 1.0.9
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
< span class = "hide-xs" > · < / span > < br class = "hide-sm hide-md hide-lg" >
2018-02-06 09:49:24 +08:00
A fork of Font Awesome, originally created by < a href = "https://twitter.com/davegandy" > Dave Gandy< / a >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
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2018-02-19 05:15:39 +08:00
Fork Awesome is licensed under < a href = "http://scripts.sil.org/OFL" > SIL OFL 1.1< / a >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
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2018-02-19 05:15:39 +08:00
Code is licensed under < a href = "http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html" > MIT License< / a >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
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2018-02-19 05:15:39 +08:00
Documentation is licensed under < a href = "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/" > CC BY 3.0< / a >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
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2018-02-06 09:49:24 +08:00
< a href = "https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome" > GitHub Project< / a > ·
< a href = "https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/issues" > Issues< / a >
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
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2018-02-23 13:42:47 +08:00
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2016-10-25 00:01:53 +08:00
2016-04-22 23:35:08 +08:00
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