cooljeffro 5df104422c
i2svg options should be optional
In i2svg, when specifying the 'node' param, typescript then requires the 'callback' param. Both 'node' and 'param' should be optional.
2019-01-17 10:11:20 -08:00

114 lines
3.1 KiB

import {IconDefinition, IconLookup, IconName, IconPrefix, IconPack } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-common-types';
export {IconDefinition, IconLookup, IconName, IconPrefix, IconPack } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-common-types';
export const dom: DOM;
export const library: Library;
export const parse: { transform(transformString: string): Transform };
export const config: Config;
export function noAuto():void;
export function findIconDefinition(iconLookup: IconLookup): IconDefinition;
export function text(content: string, params?: TextParams): Text;
export function counter(content: string | number, params?: CounterParams): Counter;
export function toHtml(content: any): string;
export function toHtml(abstractNodes: AbstractElement): string;
export function layer(
assembler: (
addLayerCallback: (layerToAdd: IconOrText | IconOrText[]) => void
) => void
): Layer;
export function icon(icon: IconName | IconLookup, params?: IconParams): Icon;
export type IconProp = IconName | [IconPrefix, IconName] | IconLookup;
export type FlipProp = "horizontal" | "vertical" | "both";
export type SizeProp =
| "xs"
| "lg"
| "sm"
| "1x"
| "2x"
| "3x"
| "4x"
| "5x"
| "6x"
| "7x"
| "8x"
| "9x"
| "10x";
export type PullProp = "left" | "right";
export type RotateProp = 90 | 180 | 270;
export type FaSymbol = string | boolean;
export interface Config {
familyPrefix: IconPrefix;
replacementClass: string;
autoReplaceSvg: boolean | 'nest';
autoAddCss: boolean;
autoA11y: boolean;
searchPseudoElements: boolean;
observeMutations: boolean;
keepOriginalSource: boolean;
measurePerformance: boolean;
showMissingIcons: boolean;
export interface AbstractElement {
tag: string;
attributes: any;
children?: AbstractElement[];
export interface FontawesomeObject {
readonly abstract: AbstractElement[];
readonly html: string[];
readonly node: HTMLCollection;
export interface Icon extends FontawesomeObject, IconDefinition {
readonly type: "icon";
export interface Text extends FontawesomeObject {
readonly type: "text";
export interface Counter extends FontawesomeObject {
readonly type: "counter";
export interface Layer extends FontawesomeObject {
readonly type: "layer";
type IconOrText = Icon | Text;
export interface Attributes {
[key: string]: number | string;
export interface Styles {
[key: string]: string;
export interface Transform {
size?: number;
x?: number;
y?: number;
rotate?: number;
flipX?: boolean;
flipY?: boolean;
export interface Params {
title?: string;
classes?: string | string[];
attributes?: Attributes;
styles?: Styles;
export interface CounterParams extends Params {
export interface TextParams extends Params {
transform?: Transform;
export interface IconParams extends Params {
transform?: Transform;
symbol?: FaSymbol;
mask?: IconLookup;
export interface DOM {
i2svg(params?: { node?: Node; callback?: () => void }): void;
css(): string;
insertCss(): string;
watch(): void;
type IconDefinitionOrPack = IconDefinition | IconPack;
export interface Library {
add(...definitions: IconDefinitionOrPack[]): void;
reset(): void;