<section id="contribute">
  <h2 class="page-header">Contribute Icons to Font Awesome</h2>
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      <img class="img-rounded" src="assets/img/contribution-sample.png">
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        Want to help make Font Awesome even more awesome? Contribute back to the Font Awesome community by designing
        new pictograms for the set.
        If selected, you'll retain the CC-BY license to your pictogram and get attribution
        right here on the Font Awesome site.
      <h3>How to Submit New Icons</h3>
        <li>Download the <a href="assets/img/icon-flag.pdf">icon-flag.pdf template</a>.</li>
          Open the PDF in Adobe Illustrator. You'll notice the file has dimensions of 60x56. This is exactly 4x the
          max icon size of 15 wide by 14 tall. The template is an example of the flag icon to use as a guide.
          Design your icon. In order to make it into the set, your icon must look pixel perfect. The easiest way to do
          this is to make sure your line widths in the template are some multiple of 4px. Diagonals are rough, too.
          Don't split pixels right down the middle, as they blur more when rendering. Zoom out to 25% to get a good idea
          of how it will render in the font.
          Submit your icon. Drop me an email at <a href="mailto:dave@davegandy.com">dave@davegandy.com</a>. Make sure to
          use the subject <code>[Font Awesome] [Icon Contribution] icon-name</code> and attach your PDF file. If your
          icon makes it into Font Awesome (I'm keeping a very tight reign on quality), I'll ask what contact info you'd
          like to use for attribution.