### Describe the problem you'd like to see solved or task you'd like to see made easier <!--- What steps or tasks are you trying to complete along the way? --> ### Is this in relation to an existing part of Font Awesome or something new? <!--- If so, what part of Font Awesome? --> ### What is 1 thing that we can do when building this feature that will guarantee that it is awesome? <!--- e.g. make finding icons while I'm designing super fast --> ### Why would other Font Awesome users care about this? <!--- e.g. because everyone wants icons that fly --> ### On a scale of 1 (sometime in the future) to 10 (absolutely right now), how soon would you recommend we make this feature? <!--- e.g. 5 - "while we're young" --> ### Feature request checklist - [ ] This is a single feature (i.e. not a re-write of all of Font Awesome) - [ ] The title starts with "Feature request: " and is followed by a clear feature name (Ex: `Feature request: moar cowbell`) - [ ] I have [searched for existing issues](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome-Pro/issues) and to the best of my knowledge this is not a duplicate