From 5682d7a39a8adad760d3c14131f233676003f49f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dave Gandy Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 12:00:48 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] adding kickstarter link, changing to fusionads --- assets/css/site.css | 102 ++- assets/ | Bin 410871 -> 410871 bytes assets/js/site.js | 40 +- assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/alerts.less | 67 -- assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/badges.less | 51 -- assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/bootstrap.less | 49 - assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/breadcrumbs.less | 23 - .../less/bootstrap-3.0.2/button-groups.less | 253 ------ assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/buttons.less | 158 ---- assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/carousel.less | 231 ----- assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/close.less | 33 - assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/code.less | 53 -- .../bootstrap-3.0.2/component-animations.less | 29 - assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/dropdowns.less | 192 ---- assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/forms.less | 364 -------- assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/glyphicons.less | 237 ----- assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/grid.less | 93 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+ padding-right: 10px; +} +#fusionads .fusion-poweredby { + color: #999999; + margin-top: 2px; + font-size: 12px; + display: block; +} +.vertical-ad #fusionads { + float: none; + width: 130px; + margin-left: 0; +} +.vertical-ad #fusionads .fusion-img { + float: none; + display: block; + padding-right: 0; + padding-bottom: 10px; +} @media (min-width: 1200px) { #icon-carousel { font-size: 240px; @@ -6367,12 +6394,16 @@ body { padding: 21px 35px; } .stripe-ad .lead { - margin-top: 7px; + padding-top: 0; } .lead { font-size: 26px; line-height: 36px; } + .black-tie .tagline { + font-size: 24px; + line-height: 45px; + } .hide-lg { display: none; } @@ -6419,9 +6450,13 @@ body { } .stripe-ad .lead { margin: 0; - padding-top: 5px; + padding-top: 0; font-size: 19px; } + .black-tie .tagline { + font-size: 18px; + line-height: 22px; + } #wrap { margin: 0 auto -185px; padding: 0 0 245px; @@ -6492,19 +6527,38 @@ body { margin-top: 22px; padding: 0; } - #carbonads-container .carbonad { - margin-left: 0; - margin-top: -20px; + #fusionads { float: none; - width: 100%; - height: 120px; + display: block; + margin-left: 0; } - #azcarbon { + #fusionads:before, + #fusionads:after { + content: " "; + display: table; + } + #fusionads:after { + clear: both; + } + #fusionads:before, + #fusionads:after { + content: " "; + display: table; + } + #fusionads:after { + clear: both; + } + .vertical-ad #fusionads { width: 300px; - margin: 0 auto; } - .info-ad #carbonads-container .carbonad { - margin-top: 22px; + .vertical-ad #fusionads .fusion-img { + float: left; + padding-right: 10px; + } + .black-tie .tagline { + font-size: 18px; + line-height: 22px; + margin-bottom: 15px; } #wrap { margin: 0 auto -245px; diff --git a/assets/ b/assets/ index 4f69bac1569282bbbb938742b8ed6d606ae77276..33ce75787adaf1ad55797dd75e57dfc1831756b4 100644 GIT binary patch delta 1671 zcmZXTT}V@57{|{%dmmHh$81XTW16}{k-9)Po!gw7HY?4v)I<n&Q8gEi+GJPewj&8@k-vHsl{*3{g^{IZswdp?U47OF-||^hfF8mKi^7@I-RG zeE<6@gD#QR`I{MwAmmI*um26>6Ikya!|pMfbyC0qk4CKYIlLOy;f=^O@jm!^YlKu{ zTO(Mum2UTuQu+v8DfsnujL>Yyh_{EKqiL38f?uoV+ISXqr&-rtHl2O|(F$Z%d|qvW1oj zy}2!E+0kue(hxiylr59AgT_cs&ojI~rnp=1JA$Ij*b_pjIJAQj#R&|%Vb{`9Yei-#SLP{06Zm8ZvQQ78r#QaDEniCLz~V z2F9m3QGg4X!JQe9hSRb^3fY-CUuUWxCNT(-ECaq8<5$*+Jiw!Q)-1C*XhHT)HH2g#SXM=hrxl^Pj ztB1(dVrWoyeJ_S;Lc|Guc5o^+!*-}ulH?LNqaryyRh`4)_TfO^jH`FP+R@~|>YRc4`j+d!t vW<2WC2Rv$@okN;7uUa$ZRnOxp4{sqR|GHegyP-mU$N2lxQxTqdrUID%Dav}R delta 1671 zcmZXTOH30{6o#iv??IqEiiOClAkc|M9wty8eNb9zQ9%R+BwZoIjc6hvnkXU?6A3%C ziFY9j7bHlCBu0}_5>QFpATA^zvujOufH$J-G zZ|+E1c4P+`H3U!lWy>V&qA`-wvvk*wDee~h4x=a&b_P%i4(y_MaRS3$$ThHsEF!h- zqb*`u5I{D8vUdU~Cx&1y&20Rz9FVS|UW!}H)gJ*BLKk*MLNM3ZC=dg|HBs=9Sm|{j zg~#Q3FNXiU_w$#J9K=%8^DcaR6D9Fy0Y1<{tYFI;qTyID(fl-!Ccl*iUx{zIQFdCl z5f%w;O_ym0(_x9wz6_a`OEd-l%z%Sveh_cPB;>lv zwee|Aw8n+Z;P!M##i>~!g>24(6>^X<8?0h`b2e-f+GGOp&9MU}Fb6}PEs!OXTnNF7 ztTRI~f4^~05u}p#Yi6(#((VkANi$SQgnPj_zX&eU-1C*XUKD{{((n)QUlG(R$?ak_ zSv^FqmOz8D>w5`Q6CzINDFvHSGgu0>N|I=SGfL8B3HgY7tyjNYi3hPdICbb4q7N8Jty;;W9W+h`4)#L%n;41L~ArD-QJ*HRb9}$II0- vGfwsC{Z6&d?jcQ!ORbr5spqj*gticqAFfdEZg9)*7=M3y+@YDjxq, so users can click on them - // to preview :active state without being scrolled up to the top of the page. -// $('section a[href="#"]').click(function(e) { -// e.preventDefault(); -// e.stopPropagation(); -// }); - -// // inject twitter & github counts -// $.ajax({ -// url: '', -// data: {screen_name: 'fortaweso_me'}, -// dataType: 'jsonp', -// success: function(data) { -// $('#followers').html(data.followers_count); -// } -// }); -// $.ajax({ -// url: '', -// dataType: 'jsonp', -// success: function(data) { -// $('#watchers').html(; -// $('#forks').html(; -// } -// }); + var quotes = new Array( + "Please support Black Tie, the new icon font from Font Awesome!", + "Please help me make Font Awesome Black Tie!", + "Get your company logo added to Font Awesome!", + "Need a specific icon added to Font Awesome?", + "If you like Font Awesome, you're going to love Black Tie!" + ), + random_quote = quotes[Math.floor( Math.random() * quotes.length )]; + $('.tagline').html(random_quote); }); diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/alerts.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/alerts.less deleted file mode 100755 index 3eab06629..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/alerts.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -// -// Alerts -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -// Base styles -// ------------------------- - -.alert { - padding: @alert-padding; - margin-bottom: @line-height-computed; - border: 1px solid transparent; - border-radius: @alert-border-radius; - - // Headings for larger alerts - h4 { - margin-top: 0; - // Specified for the h4 to prevent conflicts of changing @headings-color - color: inherit; - } - // Provide class for links that match alerts - .alert-link { - font-weight: @alert-link-font-weight; - } - - // Improve alignment and spacing of inner content - > p, - > ul { - margin-bottom: 0; - } - > p + p { - margin-top: 5px; - } -} - -// Dismissable alerts -// -// Expand the right padding and account for the close button's positioning. - -.alert-dismissable { - padding-right: (@alert-padding + 20); - - // Adjust close link position - .close { - position: relative; - top: -2px; - right: -21px; - color: inherit; - } -} - -// Alternate styles -// -// Generate contextual modifier classes for colorizing the alert. - -.alert-success { - .alert-variant(@alert-success-bg; @alert-success-border; @alert-success-text); -} -.alert-info { - .alert-variant(@alert-info-bg; @alert-info-border; @alert-info-text); -} -.alert-warning { - .alert-variant(@alert-warning-bg; @alert-warning-border; @alert-warning-text); -} -.alert-danger { - .alert-variant(@alert-danger-bg; @alert-danger-border; @alert-danger-text); -} diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/badges.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/badges.less deleted file mode 100755 index 0b69753ef..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/badges.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -// -// Badges -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -// Base classes -.badge { - display: inline-block; - min-width: 10px; - padding: 3px 7px; - font-size: @font-size-small; - font-weight: @badge-font-weight; - color: @badge-color; - line-height: @badge-line-height; - vertical-align: baseline; - white-space: nowrap; - text-align: center; - background-color: @badge-bg; - border-radius: @badge-border-radius; - - // Empty badges collapse automatically (not available in IE8) - &:empty { - display: none; - } -} - -// Hover state, but only for links -a.badge { - &:hover, - &:focus { - color: @badge-link-hover-color; - text-decoration: none; - cursor: pointer; - } -} - -// Quick fix for labels/badges in buttons -.btn .badge { - position: relative; - top: -1px; -} - -// Account for counters in navs > .badge, -.nav-pills > .active > a > .badge { - color: @badge-active-color; - background-color: @badge-active-bg; -} -.nav-pills > li > a > .badge { - margin-left: 3px; -} diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/bootstrap.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/bootstrap.less deleted file mode 100755 index c5a722f72..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/bootstrap.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -// Core variables and mixins -@import "variables.less"; -@import "mixins.less"; - -// Reset -@import "normalize.less"; -@import "print.less"; - -// Core CSS -@import "scaffolding.less"; -@import "type.less"; -@import "code.less"; -@import "grid.less"; -@import "tables.less"; -@import "forms.less"; -@import "buttons.less"; - -// Components -@import "component-animations.less"; -//@import "glyphicons.less"; -@import "dropdowns.less"; -@import "button-groups.less"; -@import "input-groups.less"; -@import "navs.less"; -@import "navbar.less"; -@import "breadcrumbs.less"; -@import "pagination.less"; -@import "pager.less"; -@import "labels.less"; -@import "badges.less"; -@import "jumbotron.less"; -@import "thumbnails.less"; -@import "alerts.less"; -@import "progress-bars.less"; -@import "media.less"; -@import "list-group.less"; -@import "panels.less"; -@import "wells.less"; -@import "close.less"; - -// Components w/ JavaScript -@import "modals.less"; -@import "tooltip.less"; -@import "popovers.less"; -@import "carousel.less"; - -// Utility classes -@import "utilities.less"; -@import "responsive-utilities.less"; diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/breadcrumbs.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/breadcrumbs.less deleted file mode 100755 index 60b33ea72..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/breadcrumbs.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -// -// Breadcrumbs -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -.breadcrumb { - padding: 8px 15px; - margin-bottom: @line-height-computed; - list-style: none; - background-color: @breadcrumb-bg; - border-radius: @border-radius-base; - > li { - display: inline-block; - + li:before { - content: "@{breadcrumb-separator}\00a0"; // Unicode space added since inline-block means non-collapsing white-space - padding: 0 5px; - color: @breadcrumb-color; - } - } - > .active { - color: @breadcrumb-active-color; - } -} diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/button-groups.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/button-groups.less deleted file mode 100755 index c25357622..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/button-groups.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,253 +0,0 @@ -// -// Button groups -// -------------------------------------------------- - -// Button carets -// -// Match the button text color to the arrow/caret for indicating dropdown-ness. - -.caret { - .btn-default & { - border-top-color: @btn-default-color; - } - .btn-primary &, - .btn-success &, - .btn-warning &, - .btn-danger &, - .btn-info & { - border-top-color: #fff; - } -} -.dropup { - .btn-default .caret { - border-bottom-color: @btn-default-color; - } - .btn-primary, - .btn-success, - .btn-warning, - .btn-danger, - .btn-info { - .caret { - border-bottom-color: #fff; - } - } -} - -// Make the div behave like a button -.btn-group, -.btn-group-vertical { - position: relative; - display: inline-block; - vertical-align: middle; // match .btn alignment given font-size hack above - > .btn { - position: relative; - float: left; - // Bring the "active" button to the front - &:hover, - &:focus, - &:active, - &.active { - z-index: 2; - } - &:focus { - // Remove focus outline when dropdown JS adds it after closing the menu - outline: none; - } - } -} - -// Prevent double borders when buttons are next to each other -.btn-group { - .btn + .btn, - .btn + .btn-group, - .btn-group + .btn, - .btn-group + .btn-group { - margin-left: -1px; - } -} - -// Optional: Group multiple button groups together for a toolbar -.btn-toolbar { - .clearfix(); - - .btn-group { - float: left; - } - // Space out series of button groups - > .btn, - > .btn-group { - + .btn, - + .btn-group { - margin-left: 5px; - } - } -} - -.btn-group > .btn:not(:first-child):not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle) { - border-radius: 0; -} - -// Set corners individual because sometimes a single button can be in a .btn-group and we need :first-child and :last-child to both match -.btn-group > .btn:first-child { - margin-left: 0; - &:not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle) { - .border-right-radius(0); - } -} -// Need .dropdown-toggle since :last-child doesn't apply given a .dropdown-menu immediately after it -.btn-group > .btn:last-child:not(:first-child), -.btn-group > .dropdown-toggle:not(:first-child) { - .border-left-radius(0); -} - -// Custom edits for including btn-groups within btn-groups (useful for including dropdown buttons within a btn-group) -.btn-group > .btn-group { - float: left; -} -.btn-group > .btn-group:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > .btn { - border-radius: 0; -} -.btn-group > .btn-group:first-child { - > .btn:last-child, - > .dropdown-toggle { - .border-right-radius(0); - } -} -.btn-group > .btn-group:last-child > .btn:first-child { - .border-left-radius(0); -} - -// On active and open, don't show outline -.btn-group .dropdown-toggle:active, .dropdown-toggle { - outline: 0; -} - - -// Sizing -// -// Remix the default button sizing classes into new ones for easier manipulation. - -.btn-group-xs > .btn { .btn-xs(); } -.btn-group-sm > .btn { .btn-sm(); } -.btn-group-lg > .btn { .btn-lg(); } - - -// Split button dropdowns -// ---------------------- - -// Give the line between buttons some depth -.btn-group > .btn + .dropdown-toggle { - padding-left: 8px; - padding-right: 8px; -} -.btn-group > .btn-lg + .dropdown-toggle { - padding-left: 12px; - padding-right: 12px; -} - -// The clickable button for toggling the menu -// Remove the gradient and set the same inset shadow as the :active state .dropdown-toggle { - .box-shadow(inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.125)); - - // Show no shadow for `.btn-link` since it has no other button styles. - &.btn-link { - .box-shadow(none); - } -} - - -// Reposition the caret -.btn .caret { - margin-left: 0; -} -// Carets in other button sizes -.btn-lg .caret { - border-width: @caret-width-large @caret-width-large 0; - border-bottom-width: 0; -} -// Upside down carets for .dropup -.dropup .btn-lg .caret { - border-width: 0 @caret-width-large @caret-width-large; -} - - -// Vertical button groups -// ---------------------- - -.btn-group-vertical { - > .btn, - > .btn-group { - display: block; - float: none; - width: 100%; - max-width: 100%; - } - - // Clear floats so dropdown menus can be properly placed - > .btn-group { - .clearfix(); - > .btn { - float: none; - } - } - - > .btn + .btn, - > .btn + .btn-group, - > .btn-group + .btn, - > .btn-group + .btn-group { - margin-top: -1px; - margin-left: 0; - } -} - -.btn-group-vertical > .btn { - &:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) { - border-radius: 0; - } - &:first-child:not(:last-child) { - border-top-right-radius: @border-radius-base; - .border-bottom-radius(0); - } - &:last-child:not(:first-child) { - border-bottom-left-radius: @border-radius-base; - .border-top-radius(0); - } -} -.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) > .btn { - border-radius: 0; -} -.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:first-child { - > .btn:last-child, - > .dropdown-toggle { - .border-bottom-radius(0); - } -} -.btn-group-vertical > .btn-group:last-child > .btn:first-child { - .border-top-radius(0); -} - - - -// Justified button groups -// ---------------------- - -.btn-group-justified { - display: table; - width: 100%; - table-layout: fixed; - border-collapse: separate; - .btn { - float: none; - display: table-cell; - width: 1%; - } -} - - -// Checkbox and radio options -[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn > input[type="radio"], -[data-toggle="buttons"] > .btn > input[type="checkbox"] { - display: none; -} diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/buttons.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/buttons.less deleted file mode 100755 index a0909606f..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/buttons.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,158 +0,0 @@ -// -// Buttons -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -// Base styles -// -------------------------------------------------- - -// Core styles -.btn { - display: inline-block; - margin-bottom: 0; // For input.btn - font-weight: @btn-font-weight; - text-align: center; - vertical-align: middle; - cursor: pointer; - background-image: none; // Reset unusual Firefox-on-Android default style; see - border: 1px solid transparent; - white-space: nowrap; - .button-size(@padding-base-vertical; @padding-base-horizontal; @font-size-base; @line-height-base; @border-radius-base); - .user-select(none); - - &:focus { - .tab-focus(); - } - - &:hover, - &:focus { - color: @btn-default-color; - text-decoration: none; - } - - &:active, - &.active { - outline: 0; - background-image: none; - .box-shadow(inset 0 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.125)); - } - - &.disabled, - &[disabled], - fieldset[disabled] & { - cursor: not-allowed; - pointer-events: none; // Future-proof disabling of clicks - .opacity(.65); - .box-shadow(none); - } - -} - - -// Alternate buttons -// -------------------------------------------------- - -.btn-default { - .button-variant(@btn-default-color; @btn-default-bg; @btn-default-border); -} -.btn-primary { - .button-variant(@btn-primary-color; @btn-primary-bg; @btn-primary-border); -} -// Warning appears as orange -.btn-warning { - .button-variant(@btn-warning-color; @btn-warning-bg; @btn-warning-border); -} -// Danger and error appear as red -.btn-danger { - .button-variant(@btn-danger-color; @btn-danger-bg; @btn-danger-border); -} -// Success appears as green -.btn-success { - .button-variant(@btn-success-color; @btn-success-bg; @btn-success-border); -} -// Info appears as blue-green -.btn-info { - .button-variant(@btn-info-color; @btn-info-bg; @btn-info-border); -} - - -// Link buttons -// ------------------------- - -// Make a button look and behave like a link -.btn-link { - color: @link-color; - font-weight: normal; - cursor: pointer; - border-radius: 0; - - &, - &:active, - &[disabled], - fieldset[disabled] & { - background-color: transparent; - .box-shadow(none); - } - &, - &:hover, - &:focus, - &:active { - border-color: transparent; - } - &:hover, - &:focus { - color: @link-hover-color; - text-decoration: underline; - background-color: transparent; - } - &[disabled], - fieldset[disabled] & { - &:hover, - &:focus { - color: @btn-link-disabled-color; - text-decoration: none; - } - } -} - - -// Button Sizes -// -------------------------------------------------- - -.btn-lg { - // line-height: ensure even-numbered height of button next to large input - .button-size(@padding-large-vertical; @padding-large-horizontal; @font-size-large; @line-height-large; @border-radius-large); -} -.btn-sm, -.btn-xs { - // line-height: ensure proper height of button next to small input - .button-size(@padding-small-vertical; @padding-small-horizontal; @font-size-small; @line-height-small; @border-radius-small); -} -.btn-xs { - padding: 1px 5px; -} - - -// Block button -// -------------------------------------------------- - -.btn-block { - display: block; - width: 100%; - padding-left: 0; - padding-right: 0; -} - -// Vertically space out multiple block buttons -.btn-block + .btn-block { - margin-top: 5px; -} - -// Specificity overrides -input[type="submit"], -input[type="reset"], -input[type="button"] { - &.btn-block { - width: 100%; - } -} diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/carousel.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/carousel.less deleted file mode 100755 index 317963b7f..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/carousel.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,231 +0,0 @@ -// -// Carousel -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -// Wrapper for the slide container and indicators -.carousel { - position: relative; -} - -.carousel-inner { - position: relative; - overflow: hidden; - width: 100%; - - > .item { - display: none; - position: relative; - .transition(.6s ease-in-out left); - - // Account for jankitude on images - > img, - > a > img { - .img-responsive(); - line-height: 1; - } - } - - > .active, - > .next, - > .prev { display: block; } - - > .active { - left: 0; - } - - > .next, - > .prev { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - width: 100%; - } - - > .next { - left: 100%; - } - > .prev { - left: -100%; - } - > .next.left, - > .prev.right { - left: 0; - } - - > .active.left { - left: -100%; - } - > .active.right { - left: 100%; - } - -} - -// Left/right controls for nav -// --------------------------- - -.carousel-control { - position: absolute; - top: 0; - left: 0; - bottom: 0; - width: @carousel-control-width; - .opacity(@carousel-control-opacity); - font-size: @carousel-control-font-size; - color: @carousel-control-color; - text-align: center; - text-shadow: @carousel-text-shadow; - // We can't have this transition here because WebKit cancels the carousel - // animation if you trip this while in the middle of another animation. - - // Set gradients for backgrounds - &.left { - #gradient > .horizontal(@start-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5); @end-color: rgba(0,0,0,.0001)); - } - &.right { - left: auto; - right: 0; - #gradient > .horizontal(@start-color: rgba(0,0,0,.0001); @end-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5)); - } - - // Hover/focus state - &:hover, - &:focus { - color: @carousel-control-color; - text-decoration: none; - .opacity(.9); - } - - // Toggles - .icon-prev, - .icon-next, - .glyphicon-chevron-left, - .glyphicon-chevron-right { - position: absolute; - top: 50%; - z-index: 5; - display: inline-block; - } - .icon-prev, - .glyphicon-chevron-left { - left: 50%; - } - .icon-next, - .glyphicon-chevron-right { - right: 50%; - } - .icon-prev, - .icon-next { - width: 20px; - height: 20px; - margin-top: -10px; - margin-left: -10px; - font-family: serif; - } - - .icon-prev { - &:before { - content: '\2039';// SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (U+2039) - } - } - .icon-next { - &:before { - content: '\203a';// SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK (U+203A) - } - } -} - -// Optional indicator pips -// -// Add an unordered list with the following class and add a list item for each -// slide your carousel holds. - -.carousel-indicators { - position: absolute; - bottom: 10px; - left: 50%; - z-index: 15; - width: 60%; - margin-left: -30%; - padding-left: 0; - list-style: none; - text-align: center; - - li { - display: inline-block; - width: 10px; - height: 10px; - margin: 1px; - text-indent: -999px; - border: 1px solid @carousel-indicator-border-color; - border-radius: 10px; - cursor: pointer; - - // IE8-9 hack for event handling - // - // Internet Explorer 8-9 does not support clicks on elements without a set - // `background-color`. We cannot use `filter` since that's not viewed as a - // background color by the browser. Thus, a hack is needed. - // - // For IE8, we set solid black as it doesn't support `rgba()`. For IE9, we - // set alpha transparency for the best results possible. - background-color: #000 \9; // IE8 - background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); // IE9 - } - .active { - margin: 0; - width: 12px; - height: 12px; - background-color: @carousel-indicator-active-bg; - } -} - -// Optional captions -// ----------------------------- -// Hidden by default for smaller viewports -.carousel-caption { - position: absolute; - left: 15%; - right: 15%; - bottom: 20px; - z-index: 10; - padding-top: 20px; - padding-bottom: 20px; - color: @carousel-caption-color; - text-align: center; - text-shadow: @carousel-text-shadow; - & .btn { - text-shadow: none; // No shadow for button elements in carousel-caption - } -} - - -// Scale up controls for tablets and up -@media screen and (min-width: @screen-sm-min) { - - // Scale up the controls a smidge - .carousel-control { - .glyphicons-chevron-left, - .glyphicons-chevron-right, - .icon-prev, - .icon-next { - width: 30px; - height: 30px; - margin-top: -15px; - margin-left: -15px; - font-size: 30px; - } - } - - // Show and left align the captions - .carousel-caption { - left: 20%; - right: 20%; - padding-bottom: 30px; - } - - // Move up the indicators - .carousel-indicators { - bottom: 20px; - } -} diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/close.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/close.less deleted file mode 100755 index 9b4e74f2b..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/close.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -// -// Close icons -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -.close { - float: right; - font-size: (@font-size-base * 1.5); - font-weight: @close-font-weight; - line-height: 1; - color: @close-color; - text-shadow: @close-text-shadow; - .opacity(.2); - - &:hover, - &:focus { - color: @close-color; - text-decoration: none; - cursor: pointer; - .opacity(.5); - } - - // Additional properties for button version - // iOS requires the button element instead of an anchor tag. - // If you want the anchor version, it requires `href="#"`. - button& { - padding: 0; - cursor: pointer; - background: transparent; - border: 0; - -webkit-appearance: none; - } -} diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/code.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/code.less deleted file mode 100755 index 44e9e8937..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/code.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -// -// Code (inline and block) -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -// Inline and block code styles -code, -kbd, -pre, -samp { - font-family: @font-family-monospace; -} - -// Inline code -code { - padding: 2px 4px; - font-size: 90%; - color: @code-color; - background-color: @code-bg; - white-space: nowrap; - border-radius: @border-radius-base; -} - -// Blocks of code -pre { - display: block; - padding: ((@line-height-computed - 1) / 2); - margin: 0 0 (@line-height-computed / 2); - font-size: (@font-size-base - 1); // 14px to 13px - line-height: @line-height-base; - word-break: break-all; - word-wrap: break-word; - color: @pre-color; - background-color: @pre-bg; - border: 1px solid @pre-border-color; - border-radius: @border-radius-base; - - // Account for some code outputs that place code tags in pre tags - code { - padding: 0; - font-size: inherit; - color: inherit; - white-space: pre-wrap; - background-color: transparent; - border-radius: 0; - } -} - -// Enable scrollable blocks of code -.pre-scrollable { - max-height: @pre-scrollable-max-height; - overflow-y: scroll; -} diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/component-animations.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/component-animations.less deleted file mode 100755 index 1efe45e2c..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/component-animations.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// -// Component animations -// -------------------------------------------------- - -// Heads up! -// -// We don't use the `.opacity()` mixin here since it causes a bug with text -// fields in IE7-8. Source: - -.fade { - opacity: 0; - .transition(opacity .15s linear); - &.in { - opacity: 1; - } -} - -.collapse { - display: none; - &.in { - display: block; - } -} -.collapsing { - position: relative; - height: 0; - overflow: hidden; - .transition(height .35s ease); -} diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/dropdowns.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/dropdowns.less deleted file mode 100755 index 5d7e0fb4e..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/dropdowns.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,192 +0,0 @@ -// -// Dropdown menus -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -// Dropdown arrow/caret -.caret { - display: inline-block; - width: 0; - height: 0; - margin-left: 2px; - vertical-align: middle; - border-top: @caret-width-base solid @dropdown-caret-color; - border-right: @caret-width-base solid transparent; - border-left: @caret-width-base solid transparent; - // Firefox fix for Once fixed, - // we can just straight up remove this. - border-bottom: 0 dotted; -} - -// The dropdown wrapper (div) -.dropdown { - position: relative; -} - -// Prevent the focus on the dropdown toggle when closing dropdowns -.dropdown-toggle:focus { - outline: 0; -} - -// The dropdown menu (ul) -.dropdown-menu { - position: absolute; - top: 100%; - left: 0; - z-index: @zindex-dropdown; - display: none; // none by default, but block on "open" of the menu - float: left; - min-width: 160px; - padding: 5px 0; - margin: 2px 0 0; // override default ul - list-style: none; - font-size: @font-size-base; - background-color: @dropdown-bg; - border: 1px solid @dropdown-fallback-border; // IE8 fallback - border: 1px solid @dropdown-border; - border-radius: @border-radius-base; - .box-shadow(0 6px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.175)); - background-clip: padding-box; - - // Aligns the dropdown menu to right - &.pull-right { - right: 0; - left: auto; - } - - // Dividers (basically an hr) within the dropdown - .divider { - .nav-divider(@dropdown-divider-bg); - } - - // Links within the dropdown menu - > li > a { - display: block; - padding: 3px 20px; - clear: both; - font-weight: normal; - line-height: @line-height-base; - color: @dropdown-link-color; - white-space: nowrap; // prevent links from randomly breaking onto new lines - } -} - -// Hover/Focus state -.dropdown-menu > li > a { - &:hover, - &:focus { - text-decoration: none; - color: @dropdown-link-hover-color; - background-color: @dropdown-link-hover-bg; - } -} - -// Active state -.dropdown-menu > .active > a { - &, - &:hover, - &:focus { - color: @dropdown-link-active-color; - text-decoration: none; - outline: 0; - background-color: @dropdown-link-active-bg; - } -} - -// Disabled state -// -// Gray out text and ensure the hover/focus state remains gray - -.dropdown-menu > .disabled > a { - &, - &:hover, - &:focus { - color: @dropdown-link-disabled-color; - } -} -// Nuke hover/focus effects -.dropdown-menu > .disabled > a { - &:hover, - &:focus { - text-decoration: none; - background-color: transparent; - background-image: none; // Remove CSS gradient - .reset-filter(); - cursor: not-allowed; - } -} - -// Open state for the dropdown { - // Show the menu - > .dropdown-menu { - display: block; - } - - // Remove the outline when :focus is triggered - > a { - outline: 0; - } -} - -// Dropdown section headers -.dropdown-header { - display: block; - padding: 3px 20px; - font-size: @font-size-small; - line-height: @line-height-base; - color: @dropdown-header-color; -} - -// Backdrop to catch body clicks on mobile, etc. -.dropdown-backdrop { - position: fixed; - left: 0; - right: 0; - bottom: 0; - top: 0; - z-index: @zindex-dropdown - 10; -} - -// Right aligned dropdowns -.pull-right > .dropdown-menu { - right: 0; - left: auto; -} - -// Allow for dropdowns to go bottom up (aka, dropup-menu) -// -// Just add .dropup after the standard .dropdown class and you're set, bro. -// TODO: abstract this so that the navbar fixed styles are not placed here? - -.dropup, -.navbar-fixed-bottom .dropdown { - // Reverse the caret - .caret { - // Firefox fix for Once this - // gets fixed, restore `border-top: 0;`. - border-top: 0 dotted; - border-bottom: @caret-width-base solid @dropdown-caret-color; - content: ""; - } - // Different positioning for bottom up menu - .dropdown-menu { - top: auto; - bottom: 100%; - margin-bottom: 1px; - } -} - - -// Component alignment -// -// Reiterate per navbar.less and the modified component alignment there. - -@media (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint) { - .navbar-right { - .dropdown-menu { - .pull-right > .dropdown-menu(); - } - } -} - diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/forms.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/forms.less deleted file mode 100755 index a74babdb3..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/forms.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,364 +0,0 @@ -// -// Forms -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -// Normalize non-controls -// -// Restyle and baseline non-control form elements. - -fieldset { - padding: 0; - margin: 0; - border: 0; -} - -legend { - display: block; - width: 100%; - padding: 0; - margin-bottom: @line-height-computed; - font-size: (@font-size-base * 1.5); - line-height: inherit; - color: @legend-color; - border: 0; - border-bottom: 1px solid @legend-border-color; -} - -label { - display: inline-block; - margin-bottom: 5px; - font-weight: bold; -} - - -// Normalize form controls - -// Override content-box in Normalize (* isn't specific enough) -input[type="search"] { - .box-sizing(border-box); -} - -// Position radios and checkboxes better -input[type="radio"], -input[type="checkbox"] { - margin: 4px 0 0; - margin-top: 1px \9; /* IE8-9 */ - line-height: normal; -} - -// Set the height of select and file controls to match text inputs -input[type="file"] { - display: block; -} - -// Make multiple select elements height not fixed -select[multiple], -select[size] { - height: auto; -} - -// Fix optgroup Firefox bug per -select optgroup { - font-size: inherit; - font-style: inherit; - font-family: inherit; -} - -// Focus for select, file, radio, and checkbox -input[type="file"]:focus, -input[type="radio"]:focus, -input[type="checkbox"]:focus { - .tab-focus(); -} - -// Fix for Chrome number input -// Setting certain font-sizes causes the `I` bar to appear on hover of the bottom increment button. -// See for more. -input[type="number"] { - &::-webkit-outer-spin-button, - &::-webkit-inner-spin-button { - height: auto; - } -} - -// Adjust output element -output { - display: block; - padding-top: (@padding-base-vertical + 1); - font-size: @font-size-base; - line-height: @line-height-base; - color: @input-color; - vertical-align: middle; -} - - -// Common form controls -// -// Shared size and type resets for form controls. Apply `.form-control` to any -// of the following form controls: -// -// select -// textarea -// input[type="text"] -// input[type="password"] -// input[type="datetime"] -// input[type="datetime-local"] -// input[type="date"] -// input[type="month"] -// input[type="time"] -// input[type="week"] -// input[type="number"] -// input[type="email"] -// input[type="url"] -// input[type="search"] -// input[type="tel"] -// input[type="color"] - -.form-control { - display: block; - width: 100%; - height: @input-height-base; // Make inputs at least the height of their button counterpart (base line-height + padding + border) - padding: @padding-base-vertical @padding-base-horizontal; - font-size: @font-size-base; - line-height: @line-height-base; - color: @input-color; - vertical-align: middle; - background-color: @input-bg; - background-image: none; // Reset unusual Firefox-on-Android default style; see - border: 1px solid @input-border; - border-radius: @input-border-radius; - .box-shadow(inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075)); - .transition(~"border-color ease-in-out .15s, box-shadow ease-in-out .15s"); - - // Customize the `:focus` state to imitate native WebKit styles. - .form-control-focus(); - - // Placeholder - // - // Placeholder text gets special styles because when browsers invalidate entire - // lines if it doesn't understand a selector/ - .placeholder(); - - // Disabled and read-only inputs - // Note: HTML5 says that controls under a fieldset > legend:first-child won't - // be disabled if the fieldset is disabled. Due to implementation difficulty, - // we don't honor that edge case; we style them as disabled anyway. - &[disabled], - &[readonly], - fieldset[disabled] & { - cursor: not-allowed; - background-color: @input-bg-disabled; - } - - // Reset height for `textarea`s - textarea& { - height: auto; - } -} - - -// Form groups -// -// Designed to help with the organization and spacing of vertical forms. For -// horizontal forms, use the predefined grid classes. - -.form-group { - margin-bottom: 15px; -} - - -// Checkboxes and radios -// -// Indent the labels to position radios/checkboxes as hanging controls. -, -.checkbox { - display: block; - min-height: @line-height-computed; // clear the floating input if there is no label text - margin-top: 10px; - margin-bottom: 10px; - padding-left: 20px; - vertical-align: middle; - label { - display: inline; - margin-bottom: 0; - font-weight: normal; - cursor: pointer; - } -} input[type="radio"], input[type="radio"], -.checkbox input[type="checkbox"], -.checkbox-inline input[type="checkbox"] { - float: left; - margin-left: -20px; -} + .radio, -.checkbox + .checkbox { - margin-top: -5px; // Move up sibling radios or checkboxes for tighter spacing -} - -// Radios and checkboxes on same line, -.checkbox-inline { - display: inline-block; - padding-left: 20px; - margin-bottom: 0; - vertical-align: middle; - font-weight: normal; - cursor: pointer; -} + .radio-inline, -.checkbox-inline + .checkbox-inline { - margin-top: 0; - margin-left: 10px; // space out consecutive inline controls -} - -// Apply same disabled cursor tweak as for inputs -// -// Note: Neither radios nor checkboxes can be readonly. -input[type="radio"], -input[type="checkbox"],,, -.checkbox, -.checkbox-inline { - &[disabled], - fieldset[disabled] & { - cursor: not-allowed; - } -} - -// Form control sizing -.input-sm { - .input-size(@input-height-small; @padding-small-vertical; @padding-small-horizontal; @font-size-small; @line-height-small; @border-radius-small); -} - -.input-lg { - .input-size(@input-height-large; @padding-large-vertical; @padding-large-horizontal; @font-size-large; @line-height-large; @border-radius-large); -} - - -// Form control feedback states -// -// Apply contextual and semantic states to individual form controls. - -// Warning -.has-warning { - .form-control-validation(@state-warning-text; @state-warning-text; @state-warning-bg); -} -// Error -.has-error { - .form-control-validation(@state-danger-text; @state-danger-text; @state-danger-bg); -} -// Success -.has-success { - .form-control-validation(@state-success-text; @state-success-text; @state-success-bg); -} - - -// Static form control text -// -// Apply class to a `p` element to make any string of text align with labels in -// a horizontal form layout. - -.form-control-static { - margin-bottom: 0; // Remove default margin from `p` -} - - -// Help text -// -// Apply to any element you wish to create light text for placement immediately -// below a form control. Use for general help, formatting, or instructional text. - { - display: block; // account for any element using help-block - margin-top: 5px; - margin-bottom: 10px; - color: lighten(@text-color, 25%); // lighten the text some for contrast -} - - - -// Inline forms -// -// Make forms appear inline(-block) by adding the `.form-inline` class. Inline -// forms begin stacked on extra small (mobile) devices and then go inline when -// viewports reach <768px. -// -// Requires wrapping inputs and labels with `.form-group` for proper display of -// default HTML form controls and our custom form controls (e.g., input groups). -// -// Heads up! This is mixin-ed into `.navbar-form` in navbars.less. - -.form-inline { - - // Kick in the inline - @media (min-width: @screen-sm) { - // Inline-block all the things for "inline" - .form-group { - display: inline-block; - margin-bottom: 0; - vertical-align: middle; - } - - // In navbar-form, allow folks to *not* use `.form-group` - .form-control { - display: inline-block; - } - - // Remove default margin on radios/checkboxes that were used for stacking, and - // then undo the floating of radios and checkboxes to match (which also avoids - // a bug in WebKit: - .radio, - .checkbox { - display: inline-block; - margin-top: 0; - margin-bottom: 0; - padding-left: 0; - } - .radio input[type="radio"], - .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] { - float: none; - margin-left: 0; - } - } -} - - -// Horizontal forms -// -// Horizontal forms are built on grid classes and allow you to create forms with -// labels on the left and inputs on the right. - -.form-horizontal { - - // Consistent vertical alignment of labels, radios, and checkboxes - .control-label, - .radio, - .checkbox, - .radio-inline, - .checkbox-inline { - margin-top: 0; - margin-bottom: 0; - padding-top: (@padding-base-vertical + 1); // Default padding plus a border - } - - // Make form groups behave like rows - .form-group { - .make-row(); - } - - .form-control-static { - padding-top: (@padding-base-vertical + 1); - } - - // Only right align form labels here when the columns stop stacking - @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) { - .control-label { - text-align: right; - } - } -} diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/glyphicons.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/glyphicons.less deleted file mode 100755 index 9de2dd3b6..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/glyphicons.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,237 +0,0 @@ -// -// Glyphicons for Bootstrap -// -// Since icons are fonts, they can be placed anywhere text is placed and are -// thus automatically sized to match the surrounding child. To use, create an -// inline element with the appropriate classes, like so: -// -// Star - -// Import the fonts -@font-face { - font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings'; - src: url('@{icon-font-path}@{icon-font-name}.eot'); - src: url('@{icon-font-path}@{icon-font-name}.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), - url('@{icon-font-path}@{icon-font-name}.woff') format('woff'), - url('@{icon-font-path}@{icon-font-name}.ttf') format('truetype'), - url('@{icon-font-path}@{icon-font-name}.svg#glyphicons_halflingsregular') format('svg'); -} - -// Catchall baseclass -.glyphicon { - position: relative; - top: 1px; - display: inline-block; - font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings'; - font-style: normal; - font-weight: normal; - line-height: 1; - -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; - -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; - - &:empty { - width: 1em; - } -} - -// Individual icons -.glyphicon-asterisk { &:before { content: "\2a"; } } -.glyphicon-plus { &:before { content: "\2b"; } } -.glyphicon-euro { &:before { content: "\20ac"; } } -.glyphicon-minus { &:before { content: "\2212"; } } -.glyphicon-cloud { &:before { content: "\2601"; } } -.glyphicon-envelope { &:before { content: "\2709"; } } -.glyphicon-pencil { &:before { content: "\270f"; } } -.glyphicon-glass { &:before { content: "\e001"; } } -.glyphicon-music { &:before { content: "\e002"; } } -.glyphicon-search { &:before { content: "\e003"; } } -.glyphicon-heart { &:before { content: "\e005"; } } -.glyphicon-star { &:before { content: "\e006"; } } -.glyphicon-star-empty { &:before { content: "\e007"; } } -.glyphicon-user { &:before { content: "\e008"; } } -.glyphicon-film { &:before { content: "\e009"; } } -.glyphicon-th-large { &:before { content: "\e010"; } } -.glyphicon-th { &:before { content: "\e011"; } } -.glyphicon-th-list { &:before { content: "\e012"; } } -.glyphicon-ok { &:before { content: "\e013"; } } -.glyphicon-remove { &:before { content: "\e014"; } } -.glyphicon-zoom-in { &:before { content: "\e015"; } } -.glyphicon-zoom-out { &:before { content: "\e016"; } } -.glyphicon-off { &:before { content: "\e017"; } } -.glyphicon-signal { &:before { content: "\e018"; } } -.glyphicon-cog { &:before { content: "\e019"; } } -.glyphicon-trash { &:before { content: "\e020"; } } -.glyphicon-home { &:before { content: "\e021"; } } -.glyphicon-file { &:before { content: "\e022"; } } -.glyphicon-time { &:before { content: "\e023"; } } -.glyphicon-road { &:before { content: "\e024"; } } -.glyphicon-download-alt { &:before { content: "\e025"; } } -.glyphicon-download { &:before { content: "\e026"; } } -.glyphicon-upload { &:before { content: "\e027"; } } -.glyphicon-inbox { &:before { content: "\e028"; } } -.glyphicon-play-circle { &:before { content: "\e029"; } } -.glyphicon-repeat { &:before { content: "\e030"; } } -.glyphicon-refresh { &:before { content: "\e031"; } } -.glyphicon-list-alt { &:before { content: "\e032"; } } -.glyphicon-lock { &:before { content: "\e033"; } } -.glyphicon-flag { &:before { content: "\e034"; } } -.glyphicon-headphones { &:before { content: "\e035"; } } -.glyphicon-volume-off { &:before { content: "\e036"; } } -.glyphicon-volume-down { &:before { content: "\e037"; } } -.glyphicon-volume-up { &:before { content: "\e038"; } } -.glyphicon-qrcode { &:before { content: "\e039"; } } -.glyphicon-barcode { &:before { content: "\e040"; } } -.glyphicon-tag { &:before { content: "\e041"; } } -.glyphicon-tags { &:before { content: "\e042"; } } -.glyphicon-book { &:before { content: "\e043"; } } -.glyphicon-bookmark { &:before { content: "\e044"; } } -.glyphicon-print { &:before { content: "\e045"; } } -.glyphicon-camera { &:before { content: "\e046"; } } -.glyphicon-font { &:before { content: "\e047"; } } -.glyphicon-bold { &:before { content: "\e048"; } } -.glyphicon-italic { &:before { content: "\e049"; } } -.glyphicon-text-height { &:before { content: "\e050"; } } -.glyphicon-text-width { &:before { content: "\e051"; } } -.glyphicon-align-left { &:before { content: "\e052"; } } -.glyphicon-align-center { &:before { content: "\e053"; } } -.glyphicon-align-right { &:before { content: "\e054"; } } -.glyphicon-align-justify { &:before { content: "\e055"; } } -.glyphicon-list { &:before { content: "\e056"; } } -.glyphicon-indent-left { &:before { content: "\e057"; } } -.glyphicon-indent-right { &:before { content: "\e058"; } } -.glyphicon-facetime-video { &:before { content: "\e059"; } } -.glyphicon-picture { &:before { content: "\e060"; } } -.glyphicon-map-marker { &:before { content: "\e062"; } } -.glyphicon-adjust { &:before { content: "\e063"; } } -.glyphicon-tint { &:before { content: "\e064"; } } -.glyphicon-edit { &:before { content: "\e065"; } } -.glyphicon-share { &:before { content: "\e066"; } } -.glyphicon-check { &:before { content: "\e067"; } } -.glyphicon-move { &:before { content: "\e068"; } } -.glyphicon-step-backward { &:before { content: "\e069"; } } -.glyphicon-fast-backward { &:before { content: "\e070"; } } -.glyphicon-backward { &:before { content: "\e071"; } } -.glyphicon-play { &:before { content: "\e072"; } } -.glyphicon-pause { &:before { content: "\e073"; } } -.glyphicon-stop { &:before { content: "\e074"; } } -.glyphicon-forward { &:before { content: "\e075"; } } -.glyphicon-fast-forward { &:before { content: "\e076"; } } -.glyphicon-step-forward { &:before { content: "\e077"; } } -.glyphicon-eject { &:before { content: "\e078"; } } -.glyphicon-chevron-left { &:before { content: "\e079"; } } -.glyphicon-chevron-right { &:before { content: "\e080"; } } -.glyphicon-plus-sign { &:before { content: "\e081"; } } -.glyphicon-minus-sign { &:before { content: "\e082"; } } -.glyphicon-remove-sign { &:before { content: "\e083"; } } -.glyphicon-ok-sign { &:before { content: "\e084"; } } -.glyphicon-question-sign { &:before { content: "\e085"; } } -.glyphicon-info-sign { &:before { content: "\e086"; } } -.glyphicon-screenshot { &:before { content: "\e087"; } } -.glyphicon-remove-circle { &:before { content: "\e088"; } } -.glyphicon-ok-circle { &:before { content: "\e089"; } } -.glyphicon-ban-circle { &:before { content: "\e090"; } } -.glyphicon-arrow-left { &:before { content: "\e091"; } } -.glyphicon-arrow-right { &:before { content: "\e092"; } } -.glyphicon-arrow-up { &:before { content: "\e093"; } } -.glyphicon-arrow-down { &:before { content: "\e094"; } } -.glyphicon-share-alt { &:before { content: "\e095"; } } -.glyphicon-resize-full { &:before { content: "\e096"; } } -.glyphicon-resize-small { &:before { content: "\e097"; } } -.glyphicon-exclamation-sign { &:before { content: "\e101"; } } -.glyphicon-gift { &:before { content: "\e102"; } } -.glyphicon-leaf { &:before { content: "\e103"; } } -.glyphicon-fire { &:before { content: "\e104"; } } -.glyphicon-eye-open { &:before { content: "\e105"; } } -.glyphicon-eye-close { &:before { content: "\e106"; } } -.glyphicon-warning-sign { &:before { content: "\e107"; } } -.glyphicon-plane { &:before { content: "\e108"; } } -.glyphicon-calendar { &:before { content: "\e109"; } } -.glyphicon-random { &:before { content: "\e110"; } } -.glyphicon-comment { &:before { content: "\e111"; } } -.glyphicon-magnet { &:before { content: "\e112"; } } -.glyphicon-chevron-up { &:before { content: "\e113"; } } -.glyphicon-chevron-down { &:before { content: "\e114"; } } -.glyphicon-retweet { &:before { content: "\e115"; } } -.glyphicon-shopping-cart { &:before { content: "\e116"; } } -.glyphicon-folder-close { &:before { content: "\e117"; } } -.glyphicon-folder-open { &:before { content: "\e118"; } } -.glyphicon-resize-vertical { &:before { content: "\e119"; } } -.glyphicon-resize-horizontal { &:before { content: "\e120"; } } -.glyphicon-hdd { &:before { content: "\e121"; } } -.glyphicon-bullhorn { &:before { content: "\e122"; } } -.glyphicon-bell { &:before { content: "\e123"; } } -.glyphicon-certificate { &:before { content: "\e124"; } } -.glyphicon-thumbs-up { &:before { content: "\e125"; } } -.glyphicon-thumbs-down { &:before { content: "\e126"; } } -.glyphicon-hand-right { &:before { content: "\e127"; } } -.glyphicon-hand-left { &:before { content: "\e128"; } } -.glyphicon-hand-up { &:before { content: "\e129"; } } -.glyphicon-hand-down { &:before { content: "\e130"; } } -.glyphicon-circle-arrow-right { &:before { content: "\e131"; } } -.glyphicon-circle-arrow-left { &:before { content: "\e132"; } } -.glyphicon-circle-arrow-up { &:before { content: "\e133"; } } -.glyphicon-circle-arrow-down { &:before { content: "\e134"; } } -.glyphicon-globe { &:before { content: "\e135"; } } -.glyphicon-wrench { &:before { content: "\e136"; } } -.glyphicon-tasks { &:before { content: "\e137"; } } -.glyphicon-filter { &:before { content: "\e138"; } } -.glyphicon-briefcase { &:before { content: "\e139"; } } -.glyphicon-fullscreen { &:before { content: "\e140"; } } -.glyphicon-dashboard { &:before { content: "\e141"; } } -.glyphicon-paperclip { &:before { content: "\e142"; } } -.glyphicon-heart-empty { &:before { content: "\e143"; } } -.glyphicon-link { &:before { content: "\e144"; } } -.glyphicon-phone { &:before { content: "\e145"; } } -.glyphicon-pushpin { &:before { content: "\e146"; } } -.glyphicon-usd { &:before { content: "\e148"; } } -.glyphicon-gbp { &:before { content: "\e149"; } } -.glyphicon-sort { &:before { content: "\e150"; } } -.glyphicon-sort-by-alphabet { &:before { content: "\e151"; } } -.glyphicon-sort-by-alphabet-alt { &:before { content: "\e152"; } } -.glyphicon-sort-by-order { &:before { content: "\e153"; } } -.glyphicon-sort-by-order-alt { &:before { content: "\e154"; } } -.glyphicon-sort-by-attributes { &:before { content: "\e155"; } } -.glyphicon-sort-by-attributes-alt { &:before { content: "\e156"; } } -.glyphicon-unchecked { &:before { content: "\e157"; } } -.glyphicon-expand { &:before { content: "\e158"; } } -.glyphicon-collapse-down { &:before { content: "\e159"; } } -.glyphicon-collapse-up { &:before { content: "\e160"; } } -.glyphicon-log-in { &:before { content: "\e161"; } } -.glyphicon-flash { &:before { content: "\e162"; } } -.glyphicon-log-out { &:before { content: "\e163"; } } -.glyphicon-new-window { &:before { content: "\e164"; } } -.glyphicon-record { &:before { content: "\e165"; } } -.glyphicon-save { &:before { content: "\e166"; } } -.glyphicon-open { &:before { content: "\e167"; } } -.glyphicon-saved { &:before { content: "\e168"; } } -.glyphicon-import { &:before { content: "\e169"; } } -.glyphicon-export { &:before { content: "\e170"; } } -.glyphicon-send { &:before { content: "\e171"; } } -.glyphicon-floppy-disk { &:before { content: "\e172"; } } -.glyphicon-floppy-saved { &:before { content: "\e173"; } } -.glyphicon-floppy-remove { &:before { content: "\e174"; } } -.glyphicon-floppy-save { &:before { content: "\e175"; } } -.glyphicon-floppy-open { &:before { content: "\e176"; } } -.glyphicon-credit-card { &:before { content: "\e177"; } } -.glyphicon-transfer { &:before { content: "\e178"; } } -.glyphicon-cutlery { &:before { content: "\e179"; } } -.glyphicon-header { &:before { content: "\e180"; } } -.glyphicon-compressed { &:before { content: "\e181"; } } -.glyphicon-earphone { &:before { content: "\e182"; } } -.glyphicon-phone-alt { &:before { content: "\e183"; } } -.glyphicon-tower { &:before { content: "\e184"; } } -.glyphicon-stats { &:before { content: "\e185"; } } -.glyphicon-sd-video { &:before { content: "\e186"; } } -.glyphicon-hd-video { &:before { content: "\e187"; } } -.glyphicon-subtitles { &:before { content: "\e188"; } } -.glyphicon-sound-stereo { &:before { content: "\e189"; } } -.glyphicon-sound-dolby { &:before { content: "\e190"; } } -.glyphicon-sound-5-1 { &:before { content: "\e191"; } } -.glyphicon-sound-6-1 { &:before { content: "\e192"; } } -.glyphicon-sound-7-1 { &:before { content: "\e193"; } } -.glyphicon-copyright-mark { &:before { content: "\e194"; } } -.glyphicon-registration-mark { &:before { content: "\e195"; } } -.glyphicon-cloud-download { &:before { content: "\e197"; } } -.glyphicon-cloud-upload { &:before { content: "\e198"; } } -.glyphicon-tree-conifer { &:before { content: "\e199"; } } -.glyphicon-tree-deciduous { &:before { content: "\e200"; } } diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/grid.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/grid.less deleted file mode 100755 index 67e78f760..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/grid.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,93 +0,0 @@ -// -// Grid system -// -------------------------------------------------- - -// Set the container width, and override it for fixed navbars in media queries -.container { - .container-fixed(); -} - -// mobile first defaults -.row { - .make-row(); -} - -// Common styles for small and large grid columns -.make-grid-columns(); - - -// Extra small grid -// -// Grid classes for extra small devices like smartphones. No offset, push, or -// pull classes are present here due to the size of the target. -// -// Note that `.col-xs-12` doesn't get floated on purpose--there's no need since -// it's full-width. - -.make-grid-columns-float(xs); -.make-grid(@grid-columns, xs, width); -.make-grid(@grid-columns, xs, pull); -.make-grid(@grid-columns, xs, push); -.make-grid(@grid-columns, xs, offset); - - -// Small grid -// -// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for the small device range, from phones -// to tablets. -// -// Note that `.col-sm-12` doesn't get floated on purpose--there's no need since -// it's full-width. - -@media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) { - .container { - width: @container-sm; - } - - .make-grid-columns-float(sm); - .make-grid(@grid-columns, sm, width); - .make-grid(@grid-columns, sm, pull); - .make-grid(@grid-columns, sm, push); - .make-grid(@grid-columns, sm, offset); -} - - -// Medium grid -// -// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for the desktop device range. -// -// Note that `.col-md-12` doesn't get floated on purpose--there's no need since -// it's full-width. - -@media (min-width: @screen-md-min) { - .container { - width: @container-md; - } - - .make-grid-columns-float(md); - .make-grid(@grid-columns, md, width); - .make-grid(@grid-columns, md, pull); - .make-grid(@grid-columns, md, push); - .make-grid(@grid-columns, md, offset); -} - - -// Large grid -// -// Columns, offsets, pushes, and pulls for the large desktop device range. -// -// Note that `.col-lg-12` doesn't get floated on purpose--there's no need since -// it's full-width. - -@media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) { - .container { - width: @container-lg; - } - - .make-grid-columns-float(lg); - .make-grid(@grid-columns, lg, width); - .make-grid(@grid-columns, lg, pull); - .make-grid(@grid-columns, lg, push); - .make-grid(@grid-columns, lg, offset); -} - diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/input-groups.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/input-groups.less deleted file mode 100755 index 8516a79e9..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/input-groups.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ -// -// Input groups -// -------------------------------------------------- - -// Base styles -// ------------------------- -.input-group { - position: relative; // For dropdowns - display: table; - border-collapse: separate; // prevent input groups from inheriting border styles from table cells when placed within a table - - // Undo padding and float of grid classes - &.col { - float: none; - padding-left: 0; - padding-right: 0; - } - - .form-control { - width: 100%; - margin-bottom: 0; - } -} - -// Sizing options -// -// Remix the default form control sizing classes into new ones for easier -// manipulation. - -.input-group-lg > .form-control, -.input-group-lg > .input-group-addon, -.input-group-lg > .input-group-btn > .btn { .input-lg(); } -.input-group-sm > .form-control, -.input-group-sm > .input-group-addon, -.input-group-sm > .input-group-btn > .btn { .input-sm(); } - - -// Display as table-cell -// ------------------------- -.input-group-addon, -.input-group-btn, -.input-group .form-control { - display: table-cell; - - &:not(:first-child):not(:last-child) { - border-radius: 0; - } -} -// Addon and addon wrapper for buttons -.input-group-addon, -.input-group-btn { - width: 1%; - white-space: nowrap; - vertical-align: middle; // Match the inputs -} - -// Text input groups -// ------------------------- -.input-group-addon { - padding: @padding-base-vertical @padding-base-horizontal; - font-size: @font-size-base; - font-weight: normal; - line-height: 1; - color: @input-color; - text-align: center; - background-color: @input-group-addon-bg; - border: 1px solid @input-group-addon-border-color; - border-radius: @border-radius-base; - - // Sizing - &.input-sm { - padding: @padding-small-vertical @padding-small-horizontal; - font-size: @font-size-small; - border-radius: @border-radius-small; - } - &.input-lg { - padding: @padding-large-vertical @padding-large-horizontal; - font-size: @font-size-large; - border-radius: @border-radius-large; - } - - // Nuke default margins from checkboxes and radios to vertically center within. - input[type="radio"], - input[type="checkbox"] { - margin-top: 0; - } -} - -// Reset rounded corners -.input-group .form-control:first-child, -.input-group-addon:first-child, -.input-group-btn:first-child > .btn, -.input-group-btn:first-child > .dropdown-toggle, -.input-group-btn:last-child > .btn:not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle) { - .border-right-radius(0); -} -.input-group-addon:first-child { - border-right: 0; -} -.input-group .form-control:last-child, -.input-group-addon:last-child, -.input-group-btn:last-child > .btn, -.input-group-btn:last-child > .dropdown-toggle, -.input-group-btn:first-child > .btn:not(:first-child) { - .border-left-radius(0); -} -.input-group-addon:last-child { - border-left: 0; -} - -// Button input groups -// ------------------------- -.input-group-btn { - position: relative; - white-space: nowrap; - - // Negative margin to only have a 1px border between the two - &:first-child > .btn { - margin-right: -1px; - } - &:last-child > .btn { - margin-left: -1px; - } -} -.input-group-btn > .btn { - position: relative; - // Jankily prevent input button groups from wrapping - + .btn { - margin-left: -4px; - } - // Bring the "active" button to the front - &:hover, - &:active { - z-index: 2; - } -} diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/jumbotron.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/jumbotron.less deleted file mode 100755 index 22c29780a..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/jumbotron.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -// -// Jumbotron -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -.jumbotron { - padding: @jumbotron-padding; - margin-bottom: @jumbotron-padding; - font-size: @jumbotron-font-size; - font-weight: 200; - line-height: (@line-height-base * 1.5); - color: @jumbotron-color; - background-color: @jumbotron-bg; - - h1 { - line-height: 1; - color: @jumbotron-heading-color; - } - p { - line-height: 1.4; - } - - .container & { - border-radius: @border-radius-large; // Only round corners at higher resolutions if contained in a container - } - - @media screen and (min-width: @screen-sm-min) { - padding-top: (@jumbotron-padding * 1.6); - padding-bottom: (@jumbotron-padding * 1.6); - - .container & { - padding-left: (@jumbotron-padding * 2); - padding-right: (@jumbotron-padding * 2); - } - - h1 { - font-size: (@font-size-base * 4.5); - } - } -} diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/labels.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/labels.less deleted file mode 100755 index cad5ce516..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/labels.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -// -// Labels -// -------------------------------------------------- - -.label { - display: inline; - padding: .2em .6em .3em; - font-size: 75%; - font-weight: bold; - line-height: 1; - color: @label-color; - text-align: center; - white-space: nowrap; - vertical-align: baseline; - border-radius: .25em; - - // Add hover effects, but only for links - &[href] { - &:hover, - &:focus { - color: @label-link-hover-color; - text-decoration: none; - cursor: pointer; - } - } - - // Empty labels collapse automatically (not available in IE8) - &:empty { - display: none; - } -} - -// Colors -// Contextual variations (linked labels get darker on :hover) - -.label-default { - .label-variant(@label-default-bg); -} - -.label-primary { - .label-variant(@label-primary-bg); -} - -.label-success { - .label-variant(@label-success-bg); -} - -.label-info { - .label-variant(@label-info-bg); -} - -.label-warning { - .label-variant(@label-warning-bg); -} - -.label-danger { - .label-variant(@label-danger-bg); -} diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/list-group.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/list-group.less deleted file mode 100755 index 2cee52973..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/list-group.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -// -// List groups -// -------------------------------------------------- - -// Base class -// -// Easily usable on
      , or
      . -.list-group { - // No need to set list-style: none; since .list-group-item is block level - margin-bottom: 20px; - padding-left: 0; // reset padding because ul and ol -} - -// Individual list items -// ------------------------- - -.list-group-item { - position: relative; - display: block; - padding: 10px 15px; - // Place the border on the list items and negative margin up for better styling - margin-bottom: -1px; - background-color: @list-group-bg; - border: 1px solid @list-group-border; - - // Round the first and last items - &:first-child { - .border-top-radius(@list-group-border-radius); - } - &:last-child { - margin-bottom: 0; - .border-bottom-radius(@list-group-border-radius); - } - - // Align badges within list items - > .badge { - float: right; - } - > .badge + .badge { - margin-right: 5px; - } -} - -// Linked list items -a.list-group-item { - color: @list-group-link-color; - - .list-group-item-heading { - color: @list-group-link-heading-color; - } - - // Hover state - &:hover, - &:focus { - text-decoration: none; - background-color: @list-group-hover-bg; - } - - // Active class on item itself, not parent - &.active, - &.active:hover, - &.active:focus { - z-index: 2; // Place active items above their siblings for proper border styling - color: @list-group-active-color; - background-color: @list-group-active-bg; - border-color: @list-group-active-border; - - // Force color to inherit for custom content - .list-group-item-heading { - color: inherit; - } - .list-group-item-text { - color: lighten(@list-group-active-bg, 40%); - } - } -} - -// Custom content options -// ------------------------- - -.list-group-item-heading { - margin-top: 0; - margin-bottom: 5px; -} -.list-group-item-text { - margin-bottom: 0; - line-height: 1.3; -} diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/media.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/media.less deleted file mode 100755 index 5ad22cd6d..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/media.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -// Media objects -// Source: -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -// Common styles -// ------------------------- - -// Clear the floats, { - overflow: hidden; - zoom: 1; -} - -// Proper spacing between instances of .media, .media { - margin-top: 15px; -} { - margin-top: 0; -} - -// For images and videos, set to block { - display: block; -} - -// Reset margins on headings for tighter default spacing { - margin: 0 0 5px; -} - - -// Media image alignment -// ------------------------- - { - > .pull-left { - margin-right: 10px; - } - > .pull-right { - margin-left: 10px; - } -} - - -// Media list variation -// ------------------------- - -// Undo default ul/ol styles { - padding-left: 0; - list-style: none; -} diff --git a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/mixins.less b/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/mixins.less deleted file mode 100755 index 3d24e668a..000000000 --- a/assets/less/bootstrap-3.0.2/mixins.less +++ /dev/null @@ -1,858 +0,0 @@ -// -// Mixins -// -------------------------------------------------- - - -// Utilities -// ------------------------- - -// Clearfix -// Source: -// -// For modern browsers -// 1. The space content is one way to avoid an Opera bug when the -// contenteditable attribute is included anywhere else in the document. -// Otherwise it causes space to appear at the top and bottom of elements -// that are clearfixed. -// 2. The use of `table` rather than `block` is only necessary if using -// `:before` to contain the top-margins of child elements. -.clearfix() { - &:before, - &:after { - content: " "; /* 1 */ - display: table; /* 2 */ - } - &:after { - clear: both; - } -} - -// WebKit-style focus { - // Default - outline: thin dotted #333; - // WebKit - outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color; - outline-offset: -2px; -} - -// Center-align a block level element { - display: block; - margin-left: auto; - margin-right: auto; -} - -// Sizing shortcuts -.size(@width; @height) { - width: @width; - height: @height; -} -.square(@size) { - .size(@size; @size); -} - -// Placeholder text -.placeholder(@color: @input-color-placeholder) { - &:-moz-placeholder { color: @color; } // Firefox 4-18 - &::-moz-placeholder { color: @color; } // Firefox 19+ - &:-ms-input-placeholder { color: @color; } // Internet Explorer 10+ - &::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: @color; } // Safari and Chrome -} - -// Text overflow -// Requires inline-block or block for proper styling -.text-overflow() { - overflow: hidden; - text-overflow: ellipsis; - white-space: nowrap; -} - -// CSS image replacement -// -// Heads up! v3 launched with with only `.hide-text()`, but per our pattern for -// mixins being reused as classes with the same name, this doesn't hold up. As -// of v3.0.1 we have added `.text-hide()` and deprecated `.hide-text()`. Note -// that we cannot chain the mixins together in Less, so they are repeated. -// -// Source: - -// Deprecated as of v3.0.1 (will be removed in v4) -.hide-text() { - font: ~"0/0" a; - color: transparent; - text-shadow: none; - background-color: transparent; - border: 0; -} -// New mixin to use as of v3.0.1 -.text-hide() { - font: ~"0/0" a; - color: transparent; - text-shadow: none; - background-color: transparent; - border: 0; -} - - - -// CSS3 PROPERTIES -// -------------------------------------------------- - -// Single side border-radius -.border-top-radius(@radius) { - border-top-right-radius: @radius; - border-top-left-radius: @radius; -} -.border-right-radius(@radius) { - border-bottom-right-radius: @radius; - border-top-right-radius: @radius; -} -.border-bottom-radius(@radius) { - border-bottom-right-radius: @radius; - border-bottom-left-radius: @radius; -} -.border-left-radius(@radius) { - border-bottom-left-radius: @radius; - border-top-left-radius: @radius; -} - -// Drop shadows { - -webkit-box-shadow: @shadow; // iOS <4.3 & Android <4.1 - box-shadow: @shadow; -} - -// Transitions -.transition(@transition) { - -webkit-transition: @transition; - transition: @transition; -} -.transition-property(@transition-property) { - -webkit-transition-property: @transition-property; - transition-property: @transition-property; -} -.transition-delay(@transition-delay) { - -webkit-transition-delay: @transition-delay; - transition-delay: @transition-delay; -} -.transition-duration(@transition-duration) { - -webkit-transition-duration: @transition-duration; - transition-duration: @transition-duration; -} -.transition-transform(@transition) { - -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform @transition; - -moz-transition: -moz-transform @transition; - -o-transition: -o-transform @transition; - transition: transform @transition; -} - -// Transformations -.rotate(@degrees) { - -webkit-transform: rotate(@degrees); - -ms-transform: rotate(@degrees); // IE9+ - transform: rotate(@degrees); -} -.scale(@ratio) { - -webkit-transform: scale(@ratio); - -ms-transform: scale(@ratio); // IE9+ - transform: scale(@ratio); -} -.translate(@x; @y) { - -webkit-transform: translate(@x, @y); - -ms-transform: translate(@x, @y); // IE9+ - transform: translate(@x, @y); -} -.skew(@x; @y) { - -webkit-transform: skew(@x, @y); - -ms-transform: skewX(@x) skewY(@y); // See; IE9+ - transform: skew(@x, @y); -} -.translate3d(@x; @y; @z) { - -webkit-transform: translate3d(@x, @y, @z); - transform: translate3d(@x, @y, @z); -} - -.rotateX(@degrees) { - -webkit-transform: rotateX(@degrees); - -ms-transform: rotateX(@degrees); // IE9+ - transform: rotateX(@degrees); -} -.rotateY(@degrees) { - -webkit-transform: rotateY(@degrees); - -ms-transform: rotateY(@degrees); // IE9+ - transform: rotateY(@degrees); -} -.perspective(@perspective) { - -webkit-perspective: @perspective; - -moz-perspective: @perspective; - perspective: @perspective; -} -.perspective-origin(@perspective) { - -webkit-perspective-origin: @perspective; - -moz-perspective-origin: @perspective; - perspective-origin: @perspective; -} -.transform-origin(@origin) { - -webkit-transform-origin: @origin; - -moz-transform-origin: @origin; - transform-origin: @origin; -} - -// Animations -.animation(@animation) { - -webkit-animation: @animation; - animation: @animation; -} - -// Backface visibility -// Prevent browsers from flickering when using CSS 3D transforms. -// Default value is `visible`, but can be changed to `hidden` -.backface-visibility(@visibility){ - -webkit-backface-visibility: @visibility; - -moz-backface-visibility: @visibility; - backface-visibility: @visibility; -} - -// Box sizing { - -webkit-box-sizing: @boxmodel; - -moz-box-sizing: @boxmodel; - box-sizing: @boxmodel; -} - -// User select -// For selecting text on the page -.user-select(@select) { - -webkit-user-select: @select; - -moz-user-select: @select; - -ms-user-select: @select; // IE10+ - -o-user-select: @select; - user-select: @select; -} - -// Resize anything -.resizable(@direction) { - resize: @direction; // Options: horizontal, vertical, both - overflow: auto; // Safari fix -} - -// CSS3 Content Columns -.content-columns(@column-count; @column-gap: @grid-gutter-width) { - -webkit-column-count: @column-count; - -moz-column-count: @column-count; - column-count: @column-count; - -webkit-column-gap: @column-gap; - -moz-column-gap: @column-gap; - column-gap: @column-gap; -} - -// Optional hyphenation -.hyphens(@mode: auto) { - word-wrap: break-word; - -webkit-hyphens: @mode; - -moz-hyphens: @mode; - -ms-hyphens: @mode; // IE10+ - -o-hyphens: @mode; - hyphens: @mode; -} - -// Opacity -.opacity(@opacity) { - opacity: @opacity; - // IE8 filter - @opacity-ie: (@opacity * 100); - filter: ~"alpha(opacity=@{opacity-ie})"; -} - - - -// GRADIENTS -// -------------------------------------------------- - -#gradient { - - // Horizontal gradient, from left to right - // - // Creates two color stops, start and end, by specifying a color and position for each color stop. - // Color stops are not available in IE9 and below. - .horizontal(@start-color: #555; @end-color: #333; @start-percent: 0%; @end-percent: 100%) { - background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, @start-percent top, @end-percent top, from(@start-color), to(@end-color)); // Safari 4+, Chrome 2+ - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, color-stop(@start-color @start-percent), color-stop(@end-color @end-percent)); // Safari 5.1+, Chrome 10+ - background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, @start-color @start-percent, @end-color @end-percent); // FF 3.6+ - background-image: linear-gradient(to right, @start-color @start-percent, @end-color @end-percent); // Standard, IE10 - background-repeat: repeat-x; - filter: e(%("progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='%d', endColorstr='%d', GradientType=1)",argb(@start-color),argb(@end-color))); // IE9 and down - } - - // Vertical gradient, from top to bottom - // - // Creates two color stops, start and end, by specifying a color and position for each color stop. - // Color stops are not available in IE9 and below. - .vertical(@start-color: #555; @end-color: #333; @start-percent: 0%; @end-percent: 100%) { - background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left @start-percent, left @end-percent, from(@start-color), to(@end-color)); // Safari 4+, Chrome 2+ - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, @start-color @start-percent, @end-color @end-percent); // Safari 5.1+, Chrome 10+ - background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, @start-color @start-percent, @end-color @end-percent); // FF 3.6+ - background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, @start-color @start-percent, @end-color @end-percent); // Standard, IE10 - background-repeat: repeat-x; - filter: e(%("progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='%d', endColorstr='%d', GradientType=0)",argb(@start-color),argb(@end-color))); // IE9 and down - } - - .directional(@start-color: #555; @end-color: #333; @deg: 45deg) { - background-repeat: repeat-x; - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@deg, @start-color, @end-color); // Safari 5.1+, Chrome 10+ - background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(@deg, @start-color, @end-color); // FF 3.6+ - background-image: linear-gradient(@deg, @start-color, @end-color); // Standard, IE10 - } - .horizontal-three-colors(@start-color: #00b3ee; @mid-color: #7a43b6; @color-stop: 50%; @end-color: #c3325f) { - background-image: -webkit-gradient(left, linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(@start-color), color-stop(@color-stop, @mid-color), to(@end-color)); - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, @start-color, @mid-color @color-stop, @end-color); - background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, @start-color, @mid-color @color-stop, @end-color); - background-image: linear-gradient(to right, @start-color, @mid-color @color-stop, @end-color); - background-repeat: no-repeat; - filter: e(%("progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='%d', endColorstr='%d', GradientType=1)",argb(@start-color),argb(@end-color))); // IE9 and down, gets no color-stop at all for proper fallback - } - .vertical-three-colors(@start-color: #00b3ee; @mid-color: #7a43b6; @color-stop: 50%; @end-color: #c3325f) { - background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, from(@start-color), color-stop(@color-stop, @mid-color), to(@end-color)); - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@start-color, @mid-color @color-stop, @end-color); - background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, @start-color, @mid-color @color-stop, @end-color); - background-image: linear-gradient(@start-color, @mid-color @color-stop, @end-color); - background-repeat: no-repeat; - filter: e(%("progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='%d', endColorstr='%d', GradientType=0)",argb(@start-color),argb(@end-color))); // IE9 and down, gets no color-stop at all for proper fallback - } - .radial(@inner-color: #555; @outer-color: #333) { - background-image: -webkit-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 460, from(@inner-color), to(@outer-color)); - background-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(circle, @inner-color, @outer-color); - background-image: -moz-radial-gradient(circle, @inner-color, @outer-color); - background-image: radial-gradient(circle, @inner-color, @outer-color); - background-repeat: no-repeat; - } - .striped(@color: rgba(255,255,255,.15); @angle: 45deg) { - background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 100%, 100% 0, color-stop(.25, @color), color-stop(.25, transparent), color-stop(.5, transparent), color-stop(.5, @color), color-stop(.75, @color), color-stop(.75, transparent), to(transparent)); - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(@angle, @color 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, @color 50%, @color 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); - background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(@angle, @color 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, @color 50%, @color 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); - background-image: linear-gradient(@angle, @color 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 50%, @color 50%, @color 75%, transparent 75%, transparent); - } -} - -// Reset filters for IE -// -// When you need to remove a gradient background, do not forget to use this to reset -// the IE filter for IE9 and below. -.reset-filter() { - filter: e(%("progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false)")); -} - - - -// Retina images -// -// Short retina mixin for setting background-image and -size - -.img-retina(@file-1x; @file-2x; @width-1x; @height-1x) { - background-image: url("@{file-1x}"); - - @media - only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), - only screen and ( min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2), - only screen and ( -o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1), - only screen and ( min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), - only screen and ( min-resolution: 192dpi), - only screen and ( min-resolution: 2dppx) { - background-image: url("@{file-2x}"); - background-size: @width-1x @height-1x; - } -} - - -// Responsive image -// -// Keep images from scaling beyond the width of their parents. - -.img-responsive(@display: block;) { - display: @display; - max-width: 100%; // Part 1: Set a maximum relative to the parent - height: auto; // Part 2: Scale the height according to the width, otherwise you get stretching -} - - -// COMPONENT MIXINS -// -------------------------------------------------- - -// Horizontal dividers -// ------------------------- -// Dividers (basically an hr) within dropdowns and nav lists -.nav-divider(@color: #e5e5e5) { - height: 1px; - margin: ((@line-height-computed / 2) - 1) 0; - overflow: hidden; - background-color: @color; -} - -// Panels -// ------------------------- -.panel-variant(@border; @heading-text-color; @heading-bg-color; @heading-border;) { - border-color: @border; - - & > .panel-heading { - color: @heading-text-color; - background-color: @heading-bg-color; - border-color: @heading-border; - - + .panel-collapse .panel-body { - border-top-color: @border; - } - & > .dropdown .caret { - border-color: @heading-text-color transparent; - } - } - & > .panel-footer { - + .panel-collapse .panel-body { - border-bottom-color: @border; - } - } -} - -// Alerts -// ------------------------- -.alert-variant(@background; @border; @text-color) { - background-color: @background; - border-color: @border; - color: @text-color; - - hr { - border-top-color: darken(@border, 5%); - } - .alert-link { - color: darken(@text-color, 10%); - } -} - -// Tables -// ------------------------- -.table-row-variant(@state; @background; @border) { - // Exact selectors below required to override `.table-striped` and prevent - // inheritance to nested tables. - .table > thead > tr, - .table > tbody > tr, - .table > tfoot > tr { - > td.@{state}, - > th.@{state}, - &.@{state} > td, - &.@{state} > th { - background-color: @background; - } - } - - // Hover states for `.table-hover` - // Note: this is not available for cells or rows within `thead` or `tfoot`. - .table-hover > tbody > tr { - > td.@{state}:hover, - > th.@{state}:hover, - &.@{state}:hover > td, - &.@{state}:hover > th { - background-color: darken(@background, 5%); - } - } -} - -// Button variants -// ------------------------- -// Easily pump out default styles, as well as :hover, :focus, :active, -// and disabled options for all buttons -.button-variant(@color; @background; @border) { - color: @color; - background-color: @background; - border-color: @border; - - &:hover, - &:focus, - &:active, - &.active, - .open .dropdown-toggle& { - color: @color; - background-color: darken(@background, 8%); - border-color: darken(@border, 12%); - } - &:active, - &.active, - .open .dropdown-toggle& { - background-image: none; - } - &.disabled, - &[disabled], - fieldset[disabled] & { - &, - &:hover, - &:focus, - &:active, - &.active { - background-color: @background; - border-color: @border; - } - } -} - -// Button sizes -// ------------------------- -.button-size(@padding-vertical; @padding-horizontal; @font-size; @line-height; @border-radius) { - padding: @padding-vertical @padding-horizontal; - font-size: @font-size; - line-height: @line-height; - border-radius: @border-radius; -} - -// Pagination -// ------------------------- -.pagination-size(@padding-vertical; @padding-horizontal; @font-size; @border-radius) { - > li { - > a, - > span { - padding: @padding-vertical @padding-horizontal; - font-size: @font-size; - } - &:first-child { - > a, - > span { - .border-left-radius(@border-radius); - } - } - &:last-child { - > a, - > span { - .border-right-radius(@border-radius); - } - } - } -} - -// Labels -// ------------------------- -.label-variant(@color) { - background-color: @color; - &[href] { - &:hover, - &:focus { - background-color: darken(@color, 10%); - } - } -} - -// Navbar vertical align -// ------------------------- -// Vertically center elements in the navbar. -// Example: an element has a height of 30px, so write out `.navbar-vertical-align(30px);` to calculate the appropriate top margin. -.navbar-vertical-align(@element-height) { - margin-top: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2); - margin-bottom: ((@navbar-height - @element-height) / 2); -} - -// Progress bars -// ------------------------- -.progress-bar-variant(@color) { - background-color: @color; - .progress-striped & { - #gradient > .striped(); - } -} - -// Responsive utilities -// ------------------------- -// More easily include all the states for responsive-utilities.less. -.responsive-visibility() { - display: block !important; - tr& { display: table-row !important; } - th&, - td& { display: table-cell !important; } -} - -.responsive-invisibility() { - &, - tr&, - th&, - td& { display: none !important; } -} - - -// Grid System -// ----------- - -// Centered container element -.container-fixed() { - margin-right: auto; - margin-left: auto; - padding-left: (@grid-gutter-width / 2); - padding-right: (@grid-gutter-width / 2); - .clearfix(); -} - -// Creates a wrapper for a series of columns -.make-row(@gutter: @grid-gutter-width) { - margin-left: (@gutter / -2); - margin-right: (@gutter / -2); - .clearfix(); -} - -// Generate the extra small columns -.make-xs-column(@columns; @gutter: @grid-gutter-width) { - position: relative; - float: left; - width: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns)); - // Prevent columns from collapsing when empty - min-height: 1px; - // Inner gutter via padding - padding-left: (@gutter / 2); - padding-right: (@gutter / 2); -} - -// Generate the small columns -.make-sm-column(@columns; @gutter: @grid-gutter-width) { - position: relative; - // Prevent columns from collapsing when empty - min-height: 1px; - // Inner gutter via padding - padding-left: (@gutter / 2); - padding-right: (@gutter / 2); - - // Calculate width based on number of columns available - @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) { - float: left; - width: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns)); - } -} - -// Generate the small column offsets -.make-sm-column-offset(@columns) { - @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) { - margin-left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns)); - } -} -.make-sm-column-push(@columns) { - @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) { - left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns)); - } -} -.make-sm-column-pull(@columns) { - @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) { - right: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns)); - } -} - -// Generate the medium columns -.make-md-column(@columns; @gutter: @grid-gutter-width) { - position: relative; - // Prevent columns from collapsing when empty - min-height: 1px; - // Inner gutter via padding - padding-left: (@gutter / 2); - padding-right: (@gutter / 2); - - // Calculate width based on number of columns available - @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) { - float: left; - width: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns)); - } -} - -// Generate the medium column offsets -.make-md-column-offset(@columns) { - @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) { - margin-left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns)); - } -} -.make-md-column-push(@columns) { - @media (min-width: @screen-md) { - left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns)); - } -} -.make-md-column-pull(@columns) { - @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) { - right: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns)); - } -} - -// Generate the large columns -.make-lg-column(@columns; @gutter: @grid-gutter-width) { - position: relative; - // Prevent columns from collapsing when empty - min-height: 1px; - // Inner gutter via padding - padding-left: (@gutter / 2); - padding-right: (@gutter / 2); - - // Calculate width based on number of columns available - @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) { - float: left; - width: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns)); - } -} - -// Generate the large column offsets -.make-lg-column-offset(@columns) { - @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) { - margin-left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns)); - } -} -.make-lg-column-push(@columns) { - @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) { - left: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns)); - } -} -.make-lg-column-pull(@columns) { - @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) { - right: percentage((@columns / @grid-columns)); - } -} - - -// Framework grid generation -// -// Used only by Bootstrap to generate the correct number of grid classes given -// any value of `@grid-columns`. - -.make-grid-columns() { - // Common styles for all sizes of grid columns, widths 1-12 - .col(@index) when (@index = 1) { // initial - @item: ~".col-xs-@{index}, .col-sm-@{index}, .col-md-@{index}, .col-lg-@{index}"; - .col(@index + 1, @item); - } - .col(@index, @list) when (@index =< @grid-columns) { // general; "=<" isn't a typo - @item: ~".col-xs-@{index}, .col-sm-@{index}, .col-md-@{index}, .col-lg-@{index}"; - .col(@index + 1, ~"@{list}, @{item}"); - } - .col(@index, @list) when (@index > @grid-columns) { // terminal - @{list} { - position: relative; - // Prevent columns from collapsing when empty - min-height: 1px; - // Inner gutter via padding - padding-left: (@grid-gutter-width / 2); - padding-right: (@grid-gutter-width / 2); - } - } - .col(1); // kickstart it -} - -.make-grid-columns-float(@class) { - .col(@index) when (@index = 1) { // initial - @item: ~".col-@{class}-@{index}"; - .col(@index + 1, @item); - } - .col(@index, @list) when (@index < @grid-columns) { // general - @item: ~".col-@{class}-@{index}"; - .col(@index + 1, ~"@{list}, @{item}"); - } - .col(@index, @list) when (@index = @grid-columns) { // terminal - @{list} { - float: left; - } - } - .col(1); // kickstart it -} - -.calc-grid(@index, @class, @type) when (@type = width) and (@index > 0) { - .col-@{class}-@{index} { - width: percentage((@index / @grid-columns)); - } -} -.calc-grid(@index, @class, @type) when (@type = push) { - .col-@{class}-push-@{index} { - left: percentage((@index / @grid-columns)); - } -} -.calc-grid(@index, @class, @type) when (@type = pull) { - .col-@{class}-pull-@{index} { - right: percentage((@index / @grid-columns)); - } -} -.calc-grid(@index, @class, @type) when (@type = offset) { - .col-@{class}-offset-@{index} { - margin-left: percentage((@index / @grid-columns)); - } -} - -// Basic looping in LESS -.make-grid(@index, @class, @type) when (@index >= 0) { - .calc-grid(@index, @class, @type); - // next iteration - .make-grid(@index - 1, @class, @type); -} - - -// Form validation states -// -// Used in forms.less to generate the form validation CSS for warnings, errors, -// and successes. - -.form-control-validation(@text-color: #555; @border-color: #ccc; @background-color: #f5f5f5) { - // Color the label and help text - .help-block, - .control-label, - .radio, - .checkbox, - .radio-inline, - .checkbox-inline { - color: @text-color; - } - // Set the border and box shadow on specific inputs to match - .form-control { - border-color: @border-color; - .box-shadow(inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075)); // Redeclare so transitions work - &:focus { - border-color: darken(@border-color, 10%); - @shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075), 0 0 6px lighten(@border-color, 20%); - .box-shadow(@shadow); - } - } - // Set validation states also for addons - .input-group-addon { - color: @text-color; - border-color: @border-color; - background-color: @background-color; - } -} - -// Form control focus state -// -// Generate a customized focus state and for any input with the specified color, -// which defaults to the `@input-focus-border` variable. -// -// We highly encourage you to not customize the default value, but instead use -// this to tweak colors on an as-needed basis. This aesthetic change is based on -// WebKit's default styles, but applicable to a wider range of browsers. Its -// usability and accessibility should be taken into account with any change. -// -// Example usage: change the default blue border and shadow to white for better -// contrast against a dark gray background. - -.form-control-focus(@color: @input-border-focus) { - @color-rgba: rgba(red(@color), green(@color), blue(@color), .6); - &:focus { - border-color: @color; - outline: 0; - .box-shadow(~"inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075), 0 0 8px @{color-rgba}"); - } -} - -// Form control sizing -// -// Relative text size, padding, and border-radii changes for form controls. For -// horizontal sizing, wrap controls in the predefined grid classes. `