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2022-02-08 04:16:51 +08:00
2022-03-22 23:24:29 +08:00
* Font Awesome Free 6.1.1 by @fontawesome -
2022-02-08 04:16:51 +08:00
* License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)
* Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc.
var a, l;
a = this, l = function() {
"use strict";
var a = {}, l = {};
try {
"undefined" != typeof window && (a = window), "undefined" != typeof document && (l = document);
} catch (a) {}
var e = (a.navigator || {}).userAgent, r = void 0 === e ? "" : e, n = a, f = l;
n.document, f.documentElement && f.head && "function" == typeof f.addEventListener && f.createElement,
~r.indexOf("MSIE") || r.indexOf("Trident/");
function o(a, l) {
(null == l || l > a.length) && (l = a.length);
for (var e = 0, r = new Array(l); e < l; e++) r[e] = a[e];
return r;
var t = "___FONT_AWESOME___", u = function() {
try {
return "production" === process.env.NODE_ENV;
} catch (a) {
return !1;
}(), s = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ], i = s.concat([ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ]), e = "duotone-group", a = "swap-opacity", l = "primary", f = "secondary";
[].concat(function(a) {
if (Array.isArray(a)) return o(a);
}(r = Object.keys({
solid: "fas",
regular: "far",
light: "fal",
thin: "fat",
duotone: "fad",
brands: "fab",
kit: "fak"
})) || function(a) {
if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && null != a[Symbol.iterator] || null != a["@@iterator"]) return Array.from(a);
}(r) || function(a, l) {
if (a) {
if ("string" == typeof a) return o(a, l);
var e =, -1);
return "Map" === (e = "Object" === e && a.constructor ? : e) || "Set" === e ? Array.from(a) : "Arguments" === e || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(e) ? o(a, l) : void 0;
}(r) || function() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
}(), [ "2xs", "xs", "sm", "lg", "xl", "2xl", "beat", "border", "fade", "beat-fade", "bounce", "flip-both", "flip-horizontal", "flip-vertical", "flip", "fw", "inverse", "layers-counter", "layers-text", "layers", "li", "pull-left", "pull-right", "pulse", "rotate-180", "rotate-270", "rotate-90", "rotate-by", "shake", "spin-pulse", "spin-reverse", "spin", "stack-1x", "stack-2x", "stack", "ul", e, a, l, f ]).concat( {
return "".concat(a, "x");
})).concat( {
return "w-".concat(a);
n = n || {};
n[t] || (n[t] = {}), n[t].styles || (n[t].styles = {}), n[t].hooks || (n[t].hooks = {}),
n[t].shims || (n[t].shims = []);
var b = n[t], c = [ [ "glass", null, "martini-glass-empty" ], [ "envelope-o", "far", "envelope" ], [ "star-o", "far", "star" ], [ "remove", null, "xmark" ], [ "close", null, "xmark" ], [ "gear", null, "gear" ], [ "trash-o", "far", "trash-can" ], [ "home", null, "house" ], [ "file-o", "far", "file" ], [ "clock-o", "far", "clock" ], [ "arrow-circle-o-down", "far", "circle-down" ], [ "arrow-circle-o-up", "far", "circle-up" ], [ "play-circle-o", "far", "circle-play" ], [ "repeat", null, "arrow-rotate-right" ], [ "rotate-right", null, "arrow-rotate-right" ], [ "refresh", null, "arrows-rotate" ], [ "list-alt", "far", "rectangle-list" ], [ "dedent", null, "outdent" ], [ "video-camera", null, "video" ], [ "picture-o", "far", "image" ], [ "photo", "far", "image" ], [ "image", "far", "image" ], [ "map-marker", null, "location-dot" ], [ "pencil-square-o", "far", "pen-to-square" ], [ "edit", "far", "pen-to-square" ], [ "share-square-o", null, "share-from-square" ], [ "check-square-o", "far", "square-check" ], [ "arrows", null, "up-down-left-right" ], [ "times-circle-o", "far", "circle-xmark" ], [ "check-circle-o", "far", "circle-check" ], [ "mail-forward", null, "share" ], [ "expand", null, "up-right-and-down-left-from-center" ], [ "compress", null, "down-left-and-up-right-to-center" ], [ "eye", "far", null ], [ "eye-slash", "far", null ], [ "warning", null, "triangle-exclamation" ], [ "calendar", null, "calendar-days" ], [ "arrows-v", null, "up-down" ], [ "arrows-h", null, "left-right" ], [ "bar-chart", null, "chart-column" ], [ "bar-chart-o", null, "chart-column" ], [ "twitter-square", "fab", null ], [ "facebook-square", "fab", null ], [ "gears", null, "gears" ], [ "thumbs-o-up", "far", "thumbs-up" ], [ "thumbs-o-down", "far", "thumbs-down" ], [ "heart-o", "far", "heart" ], [ "sign-out", null, "right-from-bracket" ], [ "linkedin-square", "fab", "linkedin" ], [ "thumb-tack", null, "thumbtack" ], [ "external-link", null, "up-right-from-square" ], [ "sign-in", null, "right-to-bracket" ], [ "github-square", "fab", null ], [ "lemon-o", "far", "lemon" ], [ "square-o", "far", "square" ], [ "bookmark-o", "far", "bookmark" ], [ "twitter", "fab", null ], [ "facebook", "fab", "facebook-f" ], [ "facebook-f", "fab", "facebook-f" ], [ "github", "fab", null ], [ "credit-card", "far", null ], [ "feed", null, "rss" ], [ "hdd-o", "far", "hard-drive" ], [ "hand-o-right", "far", "hand-point-right" ], [ "hand-o-left", "far", "hand-point-left" ], [ "hand-o-up", "far", "hand-point-up" ], [ "hand-o-down", "far", "hand-point-down" ], [ "globe", null, "earth-americas" ], [ "tasks", null, "bars-progress" ], [ "arrows-alt", null, "maximize" ], [ "group", null, "users" ], [ "chain", null, "link" ], [ "cut", null, "scissors" ], [ "files-o", "far", "copy" ], [ "floppy-o", "far", "floppy-disk" ], [ "save", "far", "floppy-disk" ], [ "navicon", null, "bars" ], [ "reorder", null, "bars" ], [ "magic", null, "wand-magic-sparkles" ], [ "pinterest", "fab", null ], [ "pinterest-square", "fab", null ], [ "google-plus-square", "fab", null ], [ "google-plus", "fab", "google-plus-g" ], [ "money", null, "money-bill-1" ], [ "unsorted", null, "sort" ], [ "sort-desc", null, "sort-down" ], [ "sort-asc", null, "sort-up" ], [ "linkedin", "fab", "linkedin-in" ], [ "rotate-left", null, "arrow-rotate-left" ], [ "legal", null, "gavel" ], [ "tachometer", null, "gauge-high" ], [ "dashboard", null, "gauge-high" ], [ "comment-o", "far", "comment" ], [ "comments-o", "far", "comments" ], [ "flash", null, "bolt" ], [ "clipboard", null, "paste" ], [ "lightbulb-o", "far", "lightbulb" ], [ "exchange", null, "right-left" ], [ "cloud-download", null, "cloud-arrow-down" ], [ "cloud-upload", null, "cloud-arrow-up" ], [ "bell-o", "far", "bell" ], [ "cutlery", null, "utensils" ], [ "file-text-o", "far", "file-lines" ], [ "building-o", "far", "building" ], [ "hospital-o", "far", "hospital" ], [ "tablet", null, "tablet-screen-button" ], [ "mobile", null, "mobile-screen-button" ], [ "mobile-phone", null, "mobile-screen-button" ], [ "circle-o", "far", "circle" ], [ "mail-reply", null, "reply" ], [ "
return function(a) {
try {
for (var l = arguments.length, e = new Array(1 < l ? l - 1 : 0), r = 1; r < l; r++) e[r - 1] = arguments[r];
a.apply(void 0, e);
} catch (a) {
if (!u) throw a;
}(function() {
var a;
"function" == typeof b.hooks.addShims ? b.hooks.addShims(c) : (a = b.shims).push.apply(a, c);
}), c;
}, "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? module.exports = l() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(l) : a["fontawesome-free-shims"] = l();